New User Hello


The Science Chick
Hello, fellow users of the internet. I started RPing about a year or two earlier, and although that RP fell apart, I have retained interest in RPing, especially the worldbuilding segment. I am unsure of what these introductions are usually comprised of, so I have decided to write it up as I see fit. So, greetings!
A good start is the kinds of genres you're most interested in, names you like to be referred to, roleplaying experience you have, possibly even characters, something about yourself, anything really n.n

This is a good start though and there are a plenty dozen people here who are also interested in worldbuilding, so I'm sure you'll feel right at home.
I am most interested in sci-fi. As I said before, I really enjoy worldbuilding, especially going into the technicalities of science and technologies in sci-fi. But I think I would also enjoy all other genres moderately well.

Thank you for the warm welcome.
Hey there and welcome to Storyteller's Circle :)

We've had a bit of a spike in science-fiction interest around the place so you shouldn't have any trouble finding something to suit your needs. In the meanwhile though make sure to take some time to poke around some of our other community forums. The more you interact with other users in our other community forums, the faster we can get you approved to start posting into the roleplay forums.

If you need help with finding anything, don't hesitate to ask!
Welcome Ari,

Assuming that you plan on staying, you are more than welcome to apply for my RPs. Glad to have you.
