New User hello!


Free as a Bird
Hello everyone! I'm Jay, a creative writing major, and I'm excited to be in a lot of RP's. I'm new here, although not to RPing. The last site I frequented got shut down, so here I am! For an introduction, I like extreme sports, mashups, urban exploring, fictional writing, and cute things. My favorite book is... well there's two, actually, they're tied: 1984 and Six of Crows. I have a whole lot of OC's and can RP any part, any gender anything, so never hesitate to message me. I don't do -ahem- sexual rp's, that's the only thing I don't do. Other than that I can do any time period, any type of fiction, anything.
Welcome to Storyteller's Circle!

I'm glad to see another urban explorer, care to share your craziest experience?
welcome jay! yo, same thing happened here - the site i used to use is shut down now so... i had to migrate to this one.
dude I was shook. I hadn't been on it in a month bc school and I showed up at the end of the semester, ready to RP and it was gone I was so upset. fortunately I have a good friend i met on there so i texted him super confused and he told me all the stuff that happened. rip
same here. what was your old site, just wondering? and yeah! no summertime is always when i jump back into things and it's just... gone.
ah. mine was called free yourself roleplaying. i was secretly hoping you had come from there because i've rallied a few old people from that site here so i'm not alone lmao.
Welcome to Storyteller's Circle!

I'm glad to see another urban explorer, care to share your craziest experience?
okay so this one time we were a few miles off campus at this old abandoned 'factory' (it really just looks like a warehouse now but locals swear it was a factory) and me and a couple friends managed to finagle our way to one of the upper floors by climbing the busted stairs and half scaling the wall (it was terrible I hadn't been on a good work out schedule so I my poor, weak arms were struggling hard core) but we got up there by some miracle and so we stuck to the walls, avoided the sunken floor areas and were doin all right until we reached one area. there was this pretty long gap and this whole other sick-looking room on the other side that we could barely see into but we could see some sick lookin stuff from our spots. well- and I'm leaving out names- friend A (who runs track and is super tall, like I'm an inch away from being 6 ft but this guy is 6'7" easy) goes, "Ah, small gap, small jump" and half jumps, half steps over it. Well friend B is like 5'2" and she's like "nope" so she goes off. Well, I'm nice and right in between their two heights so I jump... and slide. See, it had been raining, and the edge was üer slippery and I hit the edge after jumping, and nearly slid. I grabbed the wall, Friend A grabbed my arm, and I thought I was going to die fr. But I didn't, I'm fine, and I got this cool piece of bent metal from the cool lookin room (which was nasty trash mostly and there was a chair with stuff in it that scared both me and Friend A when we shined our flashlights on it the first time bc we thought it was a person lol). so that's probably my craziest story from urban exploring. I mean I lived in a haunted dorm for the last year, so there's not much anymore that gets me, but almost dying certainly did. what about you?
ah. mine was called free yourself roleplaying. i was secretly hoping you had come from there because i've rallied a few old people from that site here so i'm not alone lmao.
ah sorry. honestly when u said yours was shut down, I was hoping you were from ANH but alas, no such luck. I was hoping to find some people from mine lol
okay so this one time we were a few miles off campus at this old abandoned 'factory' (it really just looks like a warehouse now but locals swear it was a factory) and me and a couple friends managed to finagle our way to one of the upper floors by climbing the busted stairs and half scaling the wall (it was terrible I hadn't been on a good work out schedule so I my poor, weak arms were struggling hard core) but we got up there by some miracle and so we stuck to the walls, avoided the sunken floor areas and were doin all right until we reached one area. there was this pretty long gap and this whole other sick-looking room on the other side that we could barely see into but we could see some sick lookin stuff from our spots. well- and I'm leaving out names- friend A (who runs track and is super tall, like I'm an inch away from being 6 ft but this guy is 6'7" easy) goes, "Ah, small gap, small jump" and half jumps, half steps over it. Well friend B is like 5'2" and she's like "nope" so she goes off. Well, I'm nice and right in between their two heights so I jump... and slide. See, it had been raining, and the edge was üer slippery and I hit the edge after jumping, and nearly slid. I grabbed the wall, Friend A grabbed my arm, and I thought I was going to die fr. But I didn't, I'm fine, and I got this cool piece of bent metal from the cool lookin room (which was nasty trash mostly and there was a chair with stuff in it that scared both me and Friend A when we shined our flashlights on it the first time bc we thought it was a person lol). so that's probably my craziest story from urban exploring. I mean I lived in a haunted dorm for the last year, so there's not much anymore that gets me, but almost dying certainly did. what about you?

Jeez, that sounds terrifying.

For me it's either falling through the floor (managed to reach out grab onto something kinda like you did) in an abandoned reformatory or having a homeless guy chase after me and my friends in the middle of the night while we were exploring an old hotel. He literally came out of the pitch black screaming like a banshee, I've never hauled ass out somewhere so fast in my life. We're extra careful to check for "inhabitants" in the places we explore now.
Jeez, that sounds terrifying.

For me it's either falling through the floor (managed to reach out grab onto something kinda like you did) in an abandoned reformatory or having a homeless guy chase after me and my friends in the middle of the night while we were exploring an old hotel. He literally came out of the pitch black screaming like a banshee, I've never hauled ass out somewhere so fast in my life. We're extra careful to check for "inhabitants" in the places we explore now.
oh yeah, we circle places a few times before we go in if its small enough or bang metal pipes together or yell if it's too big. i've never been chased but that would be rather scary I think
Welcome to the place, there are lots of RP's here. I have 3 questions;
What's your favorite cryptid, which of your 500 OC's is your favorite, and what do you mean by your dorm was haunted?
Welcome to the place, there are lots of RP's here. I have 3 questions;
What's your favorite cryptid, which of your 500 OC's is your favorite, and what do you mean by your dorm was haunted?
thank you so much for these questions. okay, so favorite cryptid? that's tough. I really like the Flatwoods Monster but mothman and the megoladon both speak to me as mothman is cool and megoladons actually fucking existed at one point and that's pretty wild(i don't know why its on the cryptid list, but it is? so?). I mean, those suckers were twice the size of a whale shark! I've dove with whale sharks before and those guys are huge!

favorite OC... hm.... well, it's a tie. My main OC Aurora is my darling, she's my oldest OC (she's 10 this year! I made her in 2007 that's crazy) she's my pride and joy. In the universe she's in she's the queen of the underoworld Death herself and is pretty chaotic. then there's my smol boy Jacob (Aurora's adopted son, long story) who is the living embodiment of Murphy's Law, everything bad happens to him, he's my suffer child, poor lad. and then there's Jacob's best friend Moksa (Mokki) who's one of the only humans in the group, and even more chaotic than Aurora, whici is hard to beat. I mean, he's best friends with both this crazy strong (although sad most of the time) demon and Death herself so...)

okay, so my dorm. so the dorm I lived in this past year was one of the oldest dorms on campus, although most of them are pretty old, given our school was founded in 1908 (different name then too lol). well aparently the dorms I lived in were the gravitational ones for suicide bc oh boy were there quite a few, both successful ones and non-successful ones. I know two people how this year tried to commit suicide in the dorm. I'm not making light of these situations by any means when I tell this story, because suicide is serious and I nearly lost a good friend this year. so a few years ago (like still in the 2010's few years ago) a girl in the same dorm section as me and a couple friends committed suicide by gun. I'm not giving names for obvious reasons. she was before my time, but I know people who knew her and it was super sad and there's a memorial for her somewhere in town I think. anyway, so last semester I moved in, young baby freshmen me, not knowing what the next year holds, ready for college. I arrived early for band camp (yes I'm that kind of huge nerd) and none of my roommates had arrived yet. Now, bear in mind the majority of the people in this area of the dorms (which are really just apartments tbh I lucked on out dorms praise jesus we had our own washing machines and dryers) are band kids, I lived in the "band community" more or less. so all around me are kids in marching band/music majors that kinda thing. Well I've never been scared of staying on my own given I'm an only child with two parents who travel for work so it was nothing new. and when the footsteps and clunking started I figured 'hey noisy neighbors'. (my neighbors, who I'm pretty close w now -we play dnd together- are noisy, but these noises I was hearing are different ill explain later) so i ignored them. well school year rolls around and my roommates move in (i lucked out on those too, the lot of em are real swell and I still actively talk to two of three) and the noises continued. furniture would move while your sitting in it, footsteps upstairs when ur there alone that kinda thing, but I always wrote it off as the roommates, never really connecting the dots that no one was home during those noises. to be fair, I wasn't home much during 1st semester. I was busy crossing a sorority, I had band practice, 19 hours worth of home work and a mandatory 15 hours of practicing per week for my major. (I was a music major my freshmen year) so needless to say I was only really in the dorm on the weekends, when everyone else was gone home or with their boo-thang. the noises continued, things would go missing and end up somewhere else, the kitchen would rattle in the night, footsteps, all that jazz, and I wasn't really thinking about it.
well, second semester rolls around and I'm back in the dorm, one less roommate (she left to live with her friends, so now we had one empty room that would be filled 3 weeks before school got out but that's another story). so one day I'm sitting on the couch in the living room (i'm telling you our dorm was a fucking apartment it was nice as shit) writing an essay for 1102 english and listening to music (rhapsody in blue- I was also half studying for orchestra), one headphone in, one out, and I hear someone- some rather feminine voice in my ear. Now, the whole dorm is girls, so I figured it was one of them, and from the direction it was I thought it was the roommate that lived downstairs so I looked up and I was like "what's that [roommate B]?" and no one was there. I was like "??? okay, I guess she said something from her room" bc her door was a few feet away in that same direction. So I get up and knock on her door, and lo and behold, guess who's not home. Roommate B, or Roommate A, who I shared a bathroom with, for that matter. I was- you guessed it- home alone. Confused, but not really thinking about it, I went back to my studies, and forgot all about the voice, until that night.
Roommate A is far more social than I am, and she had friends over a lot, which neither B or I minded because they were pretty cool themselves. So friends and A were in the kitchen doing their homework while I sat in the living room and worked on the dnd campaign (I DM'd for my friends since I only took 15 hours this semester 19 rekt me so were not doing that again) and A starts talking about ghosts. Naturally, since I love horror/spooky stuff, I started listening to her talk, and at one point she turns around in her chair and goes, "Jay, speaking of which, I swear to god our dorm's haunted." and that's the exact moment all the pieces clicked together, and the light of truth shined upon me. these puzzle pieces that had been missing the last piece to make sense of the picture finally all snapped together, and the background confusion I had had from this stupid dorm finally came forward, and for a moment I understood all.
"Oh my god." I had said to her, shock washing over me. "Holy shit, everything makes sense." So i told her what had happened earlier, and the furniture moving, and footsteps and stuff and she totally understands, because she's been getting the same shit too when she was here by herself when B and I were gone all fall semester and spring semester and everything fell into place.
well later that night, we went outside to watch one of the many-times-a-month police chases out in front of our dorm (our doors led right outside and there was a rather frequented road right there my dorm was on the edge of the building) and neighbors came out to watch too. well roommate A and neighbor A started talking (we're all friends at this point) and she brought up the ghost thing and Neighbor A gets this shocked look and makes this wild bird noise before he launched into this story about how he was walking up his stairs on night to go to bed and he watched as the lid to their trashcan lifted itself up and and flung itself across the room. another neighbor, ones on the other side of neighbor A told a similar story where a rather heavy trunk of her clothes had picked itself up off her bed (like inches off her bed) and dumped itself over, turning completely upside down on the bed. come to find out that there was a girl in our area of dorms that committed suicide a few years previous, and apparently, it was her ghost still kicking around. well Neighbor A and B had gone and talked to our CL and according to him, hers wasn't the only one. he wasn't 'legally' allowed to talk about it, but he hinted that there may have been some sketchy details about some of the 'suicides' including satanic something-or-other. I go to a pretty well renowned school known for it's wild parties, so it's really not that surprising.
So fast forward a couple months and Roommate A gets this ghost box where it does the frequency scanner things and relays messages or what not. So were sitting in the kitchen, I'm making dinner and it starts chattering, and roommate A starts talking back to it. and then she starts sassing it, in classic A style. so after about 20 minutes of it not responding to her calling it a 'pussy ass bitch' she goes "if someone is here with us, give us a sign" and I swear on my life, the loudest fucking noise i've ever fucking heard in my l i f e came from roommate A's room, right above us. it's very hard to scare me, since I was a wee lass I've only had like 3 fears, but when that bang noise happened, like someone dropped a 3 ton book on the floor, I legit screamed. nothing scares me, but I've never been so frightened than in those 3 seconds following the noise. it was the best jumpscare i've ever experienced. as soon as those 3 seconds after were over, I started laughing, but Roommate A was shook. so she starts asking the ghost box some questions, and the only one that got answered was "who's up there?" to which the answer came immediately "enemy". Roommate A and I glanced at each other, and being the uncontrollable one, I go, "I'm going upstairs to see what's up there, enemy my ass" I walked around our counter, took two steps towards the staircase and the ghost box, in it's monotone, robotic, male voice chirps, "danger." (i went up there anyway, an nothing in her room was knocked over, or strewn about she was a clean freak and everything was in its place) and so that's the story of my haunted dorm. There's more but this post is way too long already
thank you so much for these questions. okay, so favorite cryptid? that's tough. I really like the Flatwoods Monster but mothman and the megoladon both speak to me as mothman is cool and megoladons actually fucking existed at one point and that's pretty wild(i don't know why its on the cryptid list, but it is? so?). I mean, those suckers were twice the size of a whale shark! I've dove with whale sharks before and those guys are huge!

favorite OC... hm.... well, it's a tie. My main OC Aurora is my darling, she's my oldest OC (she's 10 this year! I made her in 2007 that's crazy) she's my pride and joy. In the universe she's in she's the queen of the underoworld Death herself and is pretty chaotic. then there's my smol boy Jacob (Aurora's adopted son, long story) who is the living embodiment of Murphy's Law, everything bad happens to him, he's my suffer child, poor lad. and then there's Jacob's best friend Moksa (Mokki) who's one of the only humans in the group, and even more chaotic than Aurora, whici is hard to beat. I mean, he's best friends with both this crazy strong (although sad most of the time) demon and Death herself so...)

okay, so my dorm. so the dorm I lived in this past year was one of the oldest dorms on campus, although most of them are pretty old, given our school was founded in 1908 (different name then too lol). well aparently the dorms I lived in were the gravitational ones for suicide bc oh boy were there quite a few, both successful ones and non-successful ones. I know two people how this year tried to commit suicide in the dorm. I'm not making light of these situations by any means when I tell this story, because suicide is serious and I nearly lost a good friend this year. so a few years ago (like still in the 2010's few years ago) a girl in the same dorm section as me and a couple friends committed suicide by gun. I'm not giving names for obvious reasons. she was before my time, but I know people who knew her and it was super sad and there's a memorial for her somewhere in town I think. anyway, so last semester I moved in, young baby freshmen me, not knowing what the next year holds, ready for college. I arrived early for band camp (yes I'm that kind of huge nerd) and none of my roommates had arrived yet. Now, bear in mind the majority of the people in this area of the dorms (which are really just apartments tbh I lucked on out dorms praise jesus we had our own washing machines and dryers) are band kids, I lived in the "band community" more or less. so all around me are kids in marching band/music majors that kinda thing. Well I've never been scared of staying on my own given I'm an only child with two parents who travel for work so it was nothing new. and when the footsteps and clunking started I figured 'hey noisy neighbors'. (my neighbors, who I'm pretty close w now -we play dnd together- are noisy, but these noises I was hearing are different ill explain later) so i ignored them. well school year rolls around and my roommates move in (i lucked out on those too, the lot of em are real swell and I still actively talk to two of three) and the noises continued. furniture would move while your sitting in it, footsteps upstairs when ur there alone that kinda thing, but I always wrote it off as the roommates, never really connecting the dots that no one was home during those noises. to be fair, I wasn't home much during 1st semester. I was busy crossing a sorority, I had band practice, 19 hours worth of home work and a mandatory 15 hours of practicing per week for my major. (I was a music major my freshmen year) so needless to say I was only really in the dorm on the weekends, when everyone else was gone home or with their boo-thang. the noises continued, things would go missing and end up somewhere else, the kitchen would rattle in the night, footsteps, all that jazz, and I wasn't really thinking about it.
well, second semester rolls around and I'm back in the dorm, one less roommate (she left to live with her friends, so now we had one empty room that would be filled 3 weeks before school got out but that's another story). so one day I'm sitting on the couch in the living room (i'm telling you our dorm was a fucking apartment it was nice as shit) writing an essay for 1102 english and listening to music (rhapsody in blue- I was also half studying for orchestra), one headphone in, one out, and I hear someone- some rather feminine voice in my ear. Now, the whole dorm is girls, so I figured it was one of them, and from the direction it was I thought it was the roommate that lived downstairs so I looked up and I was like "what's that [roommate B]?" and no one was there. I was like "??? okay, I guess she said something from her room" bc her door was a few feet away in that same direction. So I get up and knock on her door, and lo and behold, guess who's not home. Roommate B, or Roommate A, who I shared a bathroom with, for that matter. I was- you guessed it- home alone. Confused, but not really thinking about it, I went back to my studies, and forgot all about the voice, until that night.
Roommate A is far more social than I am, and she had friends over a lot, which neither B or I minded because they were pretty cool themselves. So friends and A were in the kitchen doing their homework while I sat in the living room and worked on the dnd campaign (I DM'd for my friends since I only took 15 hours this semester 19 rekt me so were not doing that again) and A starts talking about ghosts. Naturally, since I love horror/spooky stuff, I started listening to her talk, and at one point she turns around in her chair and goes, "Jay, speaking of which, I swear to god our dorm's haunted." and that's the exact moment all the pieces clicked together, and the light of truth shined upon me. these puzzle pieces that had been missing the last piece to make sense of the picture finally all snapped together, and the background confusion I had had from this stupid dorm finally came forward, and for a moment I understood all.
"Oh my god." I had said to her, shock washing over me. "Holy shit, everything makes sense." So i told her what had happened earlier, and the furniture moving, and footsteps and stuff and she totally understands, because she's been getting the same shit too when she was here by herself when B and I were gone all fall semester and spring semester and everything fell into place.
well later that night, we went outside to watch one of the many-times-a-month police chases out in front of our dorm (our doors led right outside and there was a rather frequented road right there my dorm was on the edge of the building) and neighbors came out to watch too. well roommate A and neighbor A started talking (we're all friends at this point) and she brought up the ghost thing and Neighbor A gets this shocked look and makes this wild bird noise before he launched into this story about how he was walking up his stairs on night to go to bed and he watched as the lid to their trashcan lifted itself up and and flung itself across the room. another neighbor, ones on the other side of neighbor A told a similar story where a rather heavy trunk of her clothes had picked itself up off her bed (like inches off her bed) and dumped itself over, turning completely upside down on the bed. come to find out that there was a girl in our area of dorms that committed suicide a few years previous, and apparently, it was her ghost still kicking around. well Neighbor A and B had gone and talked to our CL and according to him, hers wasn't the only one. he wasn't 'legally' allowed to talk about it, but he hinted that there may have been some sketchy details about some of the 'suicides' including satanic something-or-other. I go to a pretty well renowned school known for it's wild parties, so it's really not that surprising.
So fast forward a couple months and Roommate A gets this ghost box where it does the frequency scanner things and relays messages or what not. So were sitting in the kitchen, I'm making dinner and it starts chattering, and roommate A starts talking back to it. and then she starts sassing it, in classic A style. so after about 20 minutes of it not responding to her calling it a 'pussy ass bitch' she goes "if someone is here with us, give us a sign" and I swear on my life, the loudest fucking noise i've ever fucking heard in my l i f e came from roommate A's room, right above us. it's very hard to scare me, since I was a wee lass I've only had like 3 fears, but when that bang noise happened, like someone dropped a 3 ton book on the floor, I legit screamed. nothing scares me, but I've never been so frightened than in those 3 seconds following the noise. it was the best jumpscare i've ever experienced. as soon as those 3 seconds after were over, I started laughing, but Roommate A was shook. so she starts asking the ghost box some questions, and the only one that got answered was "who's up there?" to which the answer came immediately "enemy". Roommate A and I glanced at each other, and being the uncontrollable one, I go, "I'm going upstairs to see what's up there, enemy my ass" I walked around our counter, took two steps towards the staircase and the ghost box, in it's monotone, robotic, male voice chirps, "danger." (i went up there anyway, an nothing in her room was knocked over, or strewn about she was a clean freak and everything was in its place) and so that's the story of my haunted dorm. There's more but this post is way too long already

Wow, you really went all-in with that story. It sounds pretty legit, even though I'm quite skeptical about anything paranormal. I haven't really had many ghost experiences, mostly just faces in the darkness around my house (I'm alone often, and i feel safer with lights off). Those are likely just my brain playing tricks on me, though. Kinda a shame, being haunted sounds like fun.
Wow, you really went all-in with that story. It sounds pretty legit, even though I'm quite skeptical about anything paranormal. I haven't really had many ghost experiences, mostly just faces in the darkness around my house (I'm alone often, and i feel safer with lights off). Those are likely just my brain playing tricks on me, though. Kinda a shame, being haunted sounds like fun.
it's interesting until they keep knocking things over in the kitchen and you just want to sleep because you've got a 4 hour drive the next day for a concert, and they wont shut the fuck up. roommate A woke me up plenty of times bc she's a light sleeper and someone kept dropping our (thankfully plastic) plates on the tile floor downstairs and she was too scared to tell them to shut up those are the only downsides I think besides getting ur stuff moved so u cant find it
it's interesting until they keep knocking things over in the kitchen and you just want to sleep because you've got a 4 hour drive the next day for a concert, and they wont shut the fuck up. roommate A woke me up plenty of times bc she's a light sleeper and someone kept dropping our (thankfully plastic) plates on the tile floor downstairs and she was too scared to tell them to shut up those are the only downsides I think besides getting ur stuff moved so u cant find it
Yeah, I think my stuff being moved around would drive me crazy the most. Everything on my desk has its place, and if it's not there, my whole morning routine is screwed up and I'll end up losing like 5 minutes searching for it. It would be cool to have a ghost around at all times, like a bit of a mischievous friend.
Yeah, I think my stuff being moved around would drive me crazy the most. Everything on my desk has its place, and if it's not there, my whole morning routine is screwed up and I'll end up losing like 5 minutes searching for it. It would be cool to have a ghost around at all times, like a bit of a mischievous friend.
that's how roommate A felt. her drawers would open, things would move and she was a neat freak, it drove her up the wall. I've always been a tad unorganized so it never truly bothered me, only really got on my nerves if I was looking for makeup and it had been moved.