New User Hello!


Friendly Neighborhood Gremlin
I'm glad to find a new roleplaying website! My name is Emily, and I'm a high school student! I wouldn't say I'm the best at writing (there are much better writers out there!) but I try my best and I'm willing to practice and learn!
I prefer to create original characters for every roleplay I write in, allowing creativity to not be restricted by the original personality and appearance rules of a well known and used character. I don't have genres I prefer or dislike, I more so look at the plot and see what looks fun to me! I'm a sucker for sweet and romantic genres, but I can do much more than that!
I'm not too good at introducing myself, but I think I did pretty okay!!
Have a beautiful day/evening/night!
Hi, Welcome to STC! You say you're a high school student, do you have plans for college? If you have any questions about the website or anything about getting started, feel free to ask!
@TheZanta Currently I'm going into my Junior year! I'm a little unsure, but I would like to take a gap year after graduation, and either go into real estate, or go to culinary school!
Culinary school would be really fun, I'm sure. I've always had fun with cooking, I wish I'd pursued it as a career. Personally, I'm in my sophomore year double majoring in music and electrical engineering. You have time to consider your path, though.
Wow, really! Dude those majors sound awesome! I also have a small obsession with the mortuary sciences, so that's another thing I've looked at pursuing. My current plans for my life after high school are honestly all over the place, I'm glad I still have a bit of time.