New User Hello


But We Were Happy
Hi, I'm Lucky. It's 11:43 PM at night, I really don't have a witty introduction and am awkward when it comes to them regardless. I also may be slightly tired, but that's beside the point, I am just here to get my intro out of the way. So, uh, hi new site. I hope I enjoy it as much as I enjoy all other roleplays.
o_O Welcome! So you've made the first step to getting approved. Be sure to read the rules and make some meaningful posts in the main lobby so that your account can get flagged for approval. We're friendly and I hope to see you around posing with us soon.

Now for the strange question. If you had to choose to be any character from film history who would it be?
Now for the strange question. If you had to choose to be any character from film history who would it be?

Any character from film history is a very specific question. I would normally say Scooby Doo, but the CGI in the movie version is too ungaunty for me wanting to be him. However, I am going to have to go with Peter Quill/ StarLord from Guardians of the Galaxy.