New User Hello


I haven't made an introduction thread in a long time. This was not by accident. Hopefully I've improved my introduction game by some degree since then.

I am Rook. Writing is one of my greatest passions. I also (surprise) quite like roleplaying, it's one of my main hobbies along with video games. Fantasy (in all its many varieties) is by far my favourite genre, but it is certainly an exclusive interest. I'm prone to join games of a wide variety if something catches my eye.

While I'm not actually in any of his games, I've been on-and-off stalking one of @Nilum 's roleplays for several years now. Kind of late to stop now.

Anyhow, this is a nifty place and I look forward to my time here. I'm friendly, I swear.


P.S. You have this :p smiley and it pleases me.
Hey there :) I've seen you around a few times, but glad to see you got an official introduction post up! Looking forward to seeing you join into some our roleplays. If you're looking for some Fantasy stuff, I could use some Fantasy players in the near future for one of my regions in the Omniverse roleplay (Aelora in particular).
Stayed silent for a few years? Rookie mistake. :p

But yea, you came along with us so you know who I am and such already.
Have fun! o/
Hey there :) I've seen you around a few times, but glad to see you got an official introduction post up! Looking forward to seeing you join into some our roleplays. If you're looking for some Fantasy stuff, I could use some Fantasy players in the near future for one of my regions in the Omniverse roleplay (Aelora in particular).
Thank you! I'll check it out. ^^

Stayed silent for a few years? Rookie mistake. :p
Haven't heard that before. Also, I wasn't silent. :p
This is your ideal time to jump in on one of Nilum's RPs, as there are a number of free slots in both LoR and TLB