New User Hello


Deific Reality
I never like doing Introduction threads, but here it seems it is a must.

Anyways I roleplaying buddy I have from another forum told me about this place, Jas is his name here. I decided to come check this place out as a result and see what kind of roleplaying fun I can have. I might even know others here too as I've been roleplaying on forums for abut 16 years now off and on.

I've been roleplaying a lot longer than 16 years though as I started roleplaying with D&D 2nd Edition when I was a kid. I have played several different tabletops since, just to name a few Whitewolf's Vampires the Masquerade, Palladium's (Rifts, Fantasy, Unlimited Hero), and Wizard's of the Coast 3.0 and 3.5 D&D, and Pathfinder. I've played others but I believe these are probably the most recognizable ones.

Outside of roleplaying I have written here and there and done some art, but mostly I'm interested in roleplaying.

My genre of choice is typically fantasy but I have roleplayed others too, such as super heroes and science fiction.

On forums I have been a Game Master and player and more but the more I'm not interested in right now, just the being the player and Game Master part. My roleplaying buddy Jas knows about me in that regard.

Sorry, but personal life is personal and I'm not here to share it, so please don't ask. We can talk about roleplaying stuff and other stuff related to the site all you want.
Heyo! Glad to see you could make it. Welcome to STC. I think you'll like it here.
Jas is correct it’s a sweet so it is not in my diet simply because I don’t care for them.