New User Hey all!


New Member
Hi, I’m new here so I thought I’d say hello and introduce myself. I love RP and have been RPing for about 14 or 15 years now, give or take. I haven’t RP’d for a long while now and I really miss it. Well, I don’t really know what else to say. Oh, my name’s Sierra, btw. I hope to meet lots of fellow RP’ers!
Hi Sierra! Great hearing you are an experienced RPer, Hope we can cross paths here sometime, i myself am new to this forum too, just a few days in, but i can say this place is well managed and really good place to have your RP's safe and nurtured! Lot's of helpful people!
I'm looking forward to learn some RP skills from you as i'm also quite new to RP.... been officially doing it only for half a year, soo... Also curious to hear what stories you've been part of!