New User Hey Everyone!


New Member
Hey, everyone! My name is Mzimu and I am so excited to start roleplaying on this awesome website! Now, I guess I should talk about myself for a minute...

So, I'm just a guy who has always loved writing. I have written novels as well as hundreds of short stories and love it so much! My favorite genres to write are dystopian/apocalyptic and fantasy of all sorts. I used to roleplay online many years ago but quit for a reason that is unbeknownst to me. A friend recently recommended that I get back into it, so here I am! I look forward to writing and having fun with everyone here!

Welcome to STC! I'm all about dystopia and the sort, so I'm sure there will be some interesting stories to try out. Hope to see you soon, and just ask if you have any questions.
Welcome! What sorts of RPs do you enjoy playing in (genres/settings/time periods/posting methods/etc)?
Back when the Warrior Cat Series was just coming out, I did a lot of that(Sister made me :p). Also, have done a lot of Medieval/Fantasy Roleplay.
