New User Hey There!

So. This is a different way to get accounts approved. I honetsly like it, anyway I'll get to the point of this.
I enjoy Roleplaying and have many years experience in doing so.
Likes- Gaming, wirtting, reading and drawing.
Dislikes- Judgy people (everyone has their own story jsut because you think you know it doesn't mean you actually do.), Slow walkers, Childish attitudes.

I look forward to writting with you amazing people.
Hi and welcome! It is great to see a new member and I wanted to make sure that at least one of the staff greeted you. It looks like you've already got yourself started and made a few posts. So if you haven't been approved yet here is a link that will explain how to go through the process

Otherwise if you have any questions feel free to give a shout out in the Help tab. That is the fastest way to get help because everyone on the forum can see it and whoever is on usually races to answer. Lol.

So my strange question of the day.

What if you could be a mythical creature? Which one would you choose to be and why?
Hey there, and thank you for the welcome.
I have read the apporvial process, that is why I have posted in some of the forums. Due to the influx of new people, I just assumed it will take awhile.

Also to answer question of the day.
Werewolf and because it would be awesome to turn into a giant wolf.