New User Heya!


Heya! As the title says, I've been new to this whole Role Playing thingo, but I'm so excited heading in. I've known for quite a while what it was, and I've read a few RP posts here and there all over the internet, but it was only now that I've really taken an interest in joining. I probably won't engage in some RPs for the next month or so due to a lot of things in my life, but after that I'll head right in! (Hopefully). I found STC just a while ago, checking out lists for RP sites. I checked out a lot, but decided to stick with this one. The site's easy on the eyes and it looks like the community's pretty healthy. And I'm sure (or, at least hope) it'll continue to grow.

Like most of you here, I'm an more-than-avid writer, and some other hobbies include video games, basketball, and swimming. I'm a hopeless romantic at heart though I'm a sucker for all things dark and edgy, and like I'm borderline obsessed with sex jokes and ... well... I honestly have no idea what else to say, so I guess I'll end it that!

I'm really just hoping that my noobness doesn't derail threads too much. *laughs hysterically and sadly at the same time*
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Hello and welcome to Storyteller's Circle!

Don't worry too much about diving in right away. We're more than happy to just have you mingling on a social level until you have time to start joining roleplays :)


The site's easy on the eyes and it looks like the community's pretty healthy.

Nonsense. We're all rotten and awful! Well maybe not... :) We do our best to keep this a pretty inviting place.

And I'm sure (or, at least hope) it'll continue to grow.

Definitely! Since we opened the site in November, our active users have been increasing rapidly, week by week. They just keep piling in!

Anyways! Welcome once more, and if you need help with anything please don't hesitate to ask. Also make sure you swing on by some of our community forums to get to know and interact with some of our other users a bit.
Greetings Rina, it is always nice to see new faces here at STC. Don't worry about time it takes to get into the swing of roleplay, move at your own pace. As Tiko said, there are a great number of community forum threads. Even if you don't do a roleplay right away, you can showcase creative writing and artwork in the creative forums.

Don't be fooled into thinking this is a good community, they are all mad. I am so far the only sane member to date, so if you need help orienting yourself here just ask me. Or, ask someone that is qualified to tour you, either way is fine.
Heya! As the title says, I've been new to this whole Role Playing thingo, but I'm so excited heading in. I've known for quite a while what it was, and I've read a few RP posts here and there all over the internet, but it was only now that I've really taken an interest in joining. I probably won't engage in some RPs for the next month or so due to a lot of things in my life, but after that I'll head right in! (Hopefully). I found STC just a while ago, checking out lists for RP sites. I checked out a lot, but decided to stick with this one. The site's easy on the eyes and it looks like the community's pretty healthy. And I'm sure (or, at least hope) it'll continue to grow.

Like most of you here, I'm an more-than-avid writer, and some other hobbies include video games, basketball, and swimming. I'm a hopeless romantic at heart though I'm a sucker for all things dark and edgy, and like I'm borderline obsessed with sex jokes and ... well... I honestly have no idea what else to say, so I guess I'll end it that!

I'm really just hoping that my noobness doesn't derail threads too much. *laughs hysterically and sadly at the same time*

You did the right choice, the community is more healthy than the others, and if it grow, it's probably due to the friendly side.
Greetings and welcome to the community! Don't worry about being new to roleplaying, averyone is accepted here. If you have any questions, feel free to ask around.