New User heyo


It's 2:27am here, and I'm exhausted, and wondering why in the world I haven't gone to sleep yet. Let's just say, when the rp calls, the rp calls. I'll go through hell and back to get myself a good plot. I'm Smarmy, been role playing for a while now. Started about 3 or so years ago, sort of flitted in and out of interests, occasionally dipping into rp whenever it fits me. I gotta say - if there's one part about me that I hate, it's my consistency.

That leads me to my next point. I'm here to truly invest in a rp community. Not any wishy-washy bs, I'm gonna remain committed. I wanna see this site grow and develop, and most importantly, develop with it. I've got positive truckloads of muse to put into action (or at least I hope), mostly concerning rp of the Fantasy/high-fantasy genre. I like to dabble into low-fantasy and sci-fi, but this style of rp interests me most. Lovecraftian themes also pique my interest. To put it in simple terms, I enjoy the weird and wonderful. Whether it be magicks, transcended otherworldly beings, forbidden writings and scriptures, or just the dark unknown, I love it all. You could coat this under the blanket term of mystery, I guess.

The times 2:35 and I'm still exhausted. I'll save you the trouble of checking the GMT times, I'm an Australian. Gotta love our internet. And our spiders. WA's where I'm from, to any other Aussies. Good on ya if you do live here.

I'm a little too tired to flesh this out anymore. I might finish this tomorrow...

Tomorrow is now, and I'm here to throw down some more details. I've been around a couple of rp sites, looking at public rp, but I'm a big fan of private rp as well. For a period, I guess I stopped doing public rp, got a bit sick of the ol rules shtick and preferred a more free form narrative. However, I'm adaptable. Public rp is more fun, of course, because there's more people, the narrative is larger and more fleshed out. Role playing with only one or two people feels like an echo chamber after a while, y'know?

I've been rambling, I know, but I hope this post lets people know what kind of person, and role player, I am. I suppose I'm an easygoing sort, but that's for you to decide. I'm here to help grow this community, and at least make a couple friends. That's all folks
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Welcome to the site Smarmy!
I like the enthusiasm that's exactly the type of community we are trying to build here! We have a ton of rp opportunities both private and public. We have most of these listed in the bulletin board forum. If you are looking for a larger public rp you should check out our epic roleplays!

Also if you have any questions feel free to drop them below!