New User HI! I am new here and searching for...



I am looking for a partner or more for a one on one rp. I would love to rp my character from the Yu Yu Hakusho fandom with a Ken, Omi, Youji or well pretty much anybody from that fandom. ((Though I am staying away from Schuldig, Crawford or Farfello because those would not go well XD)) I am looking for a romance with my character being female . She is a canon character but has like...almost no info about her really so most of my things are HCs. However just because I would like a romance doesn't mean I don't want the drama and angst from Weiss Kreuz. Bring it on by all means. I would Love to find a Ken or Youji especially but I will happily rp with any other than those 3 I listed before.

Please feel free to reach me here or on one of the following.

Skype: relentlessartist
email : [email protected]

I am willing to rp from pretty much any message system..if I do not already have the one you want to use, I am happy to download what is needed.

Thank you
Hi and welcome to the storytellerscircle. We do have a variety of interests on the forums here. The best way to get accepted as a member is to make posts in the general lobby and show that you are an active member. Try posting your ideas in an interest check once you've been accepted. Otherwise I'm not sure who on this site does the anime rp stuff in one on ones.