New User Hi! I'm Evinia and I'm new here. ^-^


The Unsung
As stated before, I just kinda got here. I'm Evinia, nice to meet you!

I'm pretty new to the roleplay world so I'm actually excited to see what I'll learn and who I meet. I still have a lot to learn about this place so any tips and advice would be awesome. May our journeys bring us all together! ✊
Heyo, names Captain Cannontits and I"m pretty new here myself.

Best advice I've found so far? Don't be afraid to jump right in. There isn't a lot of complexity to the rules, and people will be totally understanding if you do something wrong, so don't hesitate to get started.
Hi and great to see you. Don't be afraid to ask any questions as someone previously mentioned. You can always drop me a note and I'll do my best to help out. I've been doing creative writing type stuff for over 10 years now. Role playing was a new idea for me about 3 years ago and I've found a few things that help. Otherwise I currently tutor college students in writing and a few other subjects. So I can help in various little ways anything ranging from grammar to structure.
Welcome welcome. The guys above covered it pretty well. Enjoy your stay!
Hey there! I'm rather new as well, but I can already tell that this is a great site. I hope you can have the same experience I"ve had! ^·^
Hello and welcome to Storyteller! Everyone here is very kind and I am sure you will enjoy being here! If you have any questions or need any help please feel free to send me a pm! By the way what kind of roleplay genres do you enjoy? Maybe I can help you find a roleplay to jump into?