New User Hi there.



Hi everyone. My name's Soul and I'm a new member here. A couple things about myself I'm a 21 year old female(turning 22 this week.) who has been rping for a couple years now on and off. My favorite types of rp would be ones that have anything to do with fantasy and the supernatural. I consider myself a basic rpier who can only do a paragraph or two, anything higher and it's a bit of a struggle. I'm looking forward to being apart of this community.~
Hey there and welcome! Apologies for taking so long to swing through here to give you a proper greeting :) thanksgiving insanity has been running me ragged. Finally have a breather here for a bit tonight.

Wanted to let you know that we have several fantasy and supernatural themed roleplays and regions within ongoing roleplays available. If you would like I could recommend a couple over to you.
It seem's we have found the soul of this site. :p

Anyways, welcome to the site.
Tiko seems to have beat me to the intro stuff again, so instead I'm gonna throw some questions your way.

1. Favourite type of Supernatural monster?
2. What is so hot it's cool yet so cool it's hot?
3. What would you say a 'Soul' is? A spirit? A Chakra? A currency in a game based on rolling around and butt stabbing bosses?