New User hi!!!!! we new :]


New Member
hi!! im davy :] i go by lup/lupus (theyre neopronouns, from the latin for wolf not the disease skjdksfj. full set is lup/lupus/lups/lupusself, conjugated like: "this is davy. lup (he / she) is new here! lups (his / her) favourite game is rdr2. i like lupus (him / her). i hope lup enjoys lupusself (himself / herself) around here!")

i have adhd and hyperfixations and rping are a huge part of my identity!!! ive been rping for Years now, but ive only really got better at it over the past one or two hdjfhs. currently im hyperfixating on red dead redemption 2 (NO SPOILERS IM ONLY ON CHAPTER 4!!!) so id Love to rp some cowboy stuff.....

i also have an oc i use for pretty much every rp cause hes my Favouritee. his names david (similiar i know) and hes a werewolf :] i just love him. anyway this place seems really welcoming and nice so i know im gna have fun here!!!
Hey Davy! Welcome to Storyteller’s Circle!

Are you fine with they/them or do you exclusively use your neopronouns.

(I’m not trying to be offensive or anything it’s just that for me it’s easier to use singular they/them for non-binary people than having to read the pronouns or whatever).

I hope you like it here!​
hi capri!!!

my aux (other) set for people who cant use my pronouns r he/him! they/them makes me feel bad ksjdks but thank u for being considerate! (my aux is only for people who find it rlly hard to use my real pronouns tho so anyone who Can use them with no big difficulty please try)
:emoji_hibiscus:Welcome Davy!! :emoji_hibiscus:
:emoji_seedling:I really hope you enjoy your time here at STC! If you have any questions, concerns, wanna chat please talk to me or anyone on the staff!!:emoji_seedling:
:emoji_rose:I've tried to play rdr2 but I'm a terrible shot with a controller! I hope you enjoy your day!:emoji_rose: