New User Hi


I'm always up for a roleplay.
Its one of my favorite things in the world, I have dyclexia and english is my second language so dont be to hard on me.
I can play OCs and the like but I do prefer fanworks.
Some of the things I enjoy are:
Lord of the Rings
The Hobbit
Gravity Falls
Rick and Morty

I love to write and draw and I adore animals.
Proud owner of a rat named Noodle.
Welcome to STC!!
I love all 4 of those shows/movies super awesome~
If you need any help please ask!!
Welcome to STC! Everyone here a super cool and understanding so don’t worry about the dyslexic thing at all, I have it too so I totally understand where you are coming from ^-^ and it’s awesome you where able to learn another language so well! I haven’t been able to do that as of yet XD

Mai is definitely right, those are all super awesome shows and movies and they would all make cool roleplays to do. Do you like doing roleplays based on shows and movies only? Or do you like role playing your own stories as well?
Noodle is such a cool name for a rat
Welcome to STC! Everyone here a super cool and understanding so don’t worry about the dyslexic thing at all, I have it too so I totally understand where you are coming from ^-^ and it’s awesome you where able to learn another language so well! I haven’t been able to do that as of yet XD

Mai is definitely right, those are all super awesome shows and movies and they would all make cool roleplays to do. Do you like doing roleplays based on shows and movies only? Or do you like role playing your own stories as well?
Noodle is such a cool name for a rat

I do prefer to do Rp's based on other things yes, but I can defenatly do other things as well.
I do find that, in my own experiance, that its easier to play based on existing work, mostly when I do things based on my own or my partners universes things dont work out couse its much like... Well you sort of want things in a specific way when its your own things, you know?

As for the language thing... I could not speakk, read or write a word of english untill I were around 15 years old. Spent a summer with a reletive who sort of went: "Well this wont do." And then refused to speak a word swedish to me for the rest of the summer. XD

Thank you! I love my little baby so much.
You’re Swedish?! I lived in Sweden for 5 years ^-^ though I don’t remember any of the language... so that sucks XD