How Green Becomes Wood

"Historically accurate?" Dark asked with a raised eyebrow, stopping Ivy from squishing the berry in her hand, "For what period?"

"Thank you," Daizi said, carefully picking the strawberries that were ready. "Is Ivy interested in the berries?"

"Very much so," He replied, holding onto both of her hands and earning a disapproving grunt.

"We're going to give her solid food for the first time next week," Daizi told Alec, "I think she's just interested in the strawberries because I'm interested in them, but soon she'll get to taste solid foods, too."
"In general. The only ones I know on actual cool buildings are stone," Alec told Dark. "And strawberries stand out from the rest of the plants dramatically. They are very pretty and totally worth being interested in! What's the first thing you are going to give her?"
"Our stonework is all real," Dark huffed, although he wasn't actually offended. "It may not be built exclusively from stone, but we have authentic stonework."

"We're debating between chicken and sweet potato," Daizi told him, just like she told Sally, "I think chicken is good because she needs protein, Dark thinks we should start with sweet potato because pureed chicken is... What did you say?"

"Ugly and unappetizing. And, unseasoned, so it would not even taste nice."

"We can season the chicken."
"Thank you, Alec." Dark nodded.

"We are allowed to add seasonings to her food," Daizi groaned, although she couldn't stop herself from laughing about it, "It is actually better for her if we introduce her to big flavours rather than shielding them from her. We just can't make her food spicy, or use salt or sugar."

"I just think," Dark said, smoothing Ivy's hair and kissing the top of her head, "that because you are blind, you do not fully appreciate how foul pureed chicken looks."

"Oh? Are you trying to imply eating is less stressful for me because I cannot see my food?" Daizi asked, turning towards him slowly.

Dark saw the look on her face and knew very well that he was in dangerous territory, but he nonetheless replied, "I believe, that the colours of food do not bother you."

"But I get surprised by texture! Do you remember the time you forgot to tell me the octopus still had its suction cups?" Daizi replied, and if Dark didn't have a broken rib, she would have carefully taken Ivy, handed her to Alec, and then pounced on him to knock him over.

"Ivy's food is all pureed because she does not have teeth!" Dark replied in a tone that made Daizi laugh harder, proving she wasn't actually upset, "It is all the same texture! All she has to worry about is sight and taste!"
Alec watched them in amusement, more than happy to stay a spectator in their "argument." He couldn't help thinking of how quickly a play argument like this would have dissolved into a real argument between his mother and the majority of her boyfriends. He shook off the thought and grinned, ready to rescue Ivy if need be from between these two play-fighters. And, while they were distracted, he stole a strawberry and ate it. Delicious! Sun-warmed berries were the best!
"She is going to have to try chicken eventually!" Daizi pointed out, scooting closer to her husband.

"But that does not mean it needs to be her first one!" Dark replied, waving one hand, "If she tries chicken first, she may well swear off all solid foods and then where will we be?"

"You are being so dramatic," Daizi teased, pouncing on him just enough to kiss her cheek and steal her daughter before flopping down onto her back and lifting Ivy up like an airplane, "I'm just worried about her getting all of her nutrients."

"She is growing wonderfully," Dark said, allowing himself to be stolen, "and you do not even wait a full week before trying a new food, let us just do sweet potato first and then chicken, and then, if she likes them both, we can mix them together."

Daizi lowered Ivy onto her chest, the sun shining down on her face, "Fine. I've been in total control of everything she's eaten for seven months, I guess we can give her sweet potato first."

"Well, thank you, that is very generous, my darling."
"Why not peas?" Alec offered, teasing lightly. "I'm sure she'll loved mushed peas! The texture and color is truly amazing. Don't you think so, Ba?" He smiled, pretending to be completely innocent.
"It's better than brown mush," Dark huffed, rubbing his forehead with one hand.

"It is very complicated to try and figure out how best to introduce foods. Right baby girl? We should just set you down in front of all foods and let you grab whichever one you want the most." Daizi sighed, rubbing her fingers along Ivy's spine.

Dark chuckled, "If we did that, then I think she chose strawberries, Spider."
Alec made a face. "That sounds like a gross mess, but I suppose it makes sense. At least it's better than the baby food from a bottle. That stuff is nasty." He turned and wandered toward another part of the flower garden and leaned over to watch a bee making itself busy with gathering pollen. It was so cute!
Daizi enjoyed just spending time outside with them, only migrating back inside when Ivy needed a change, at which point Dark brought her upstairs. Not too long after, Ivy had another feeding, and then went down for her mid-afternoon nap.
Alec and Xander drifted in and out, hanging around Daizi and making certain she had everything she needed and wanted while also trying really hard not to suffocate her. They wanted her day to feel special, not like they were fussing over her. They hoped they were hitting the right balance because they genuinely enjoyed being around Daizi and trying to find things to do for her. When Ivy went down for her nap, Alec and Xander both went to their rooms after ensuring Dark didn't need anything. Xander did, indeed, end up taking a nap, but Alec curled up in the corner of his bed surrounded by pillows and read a book, enjoying a bit of time to himself before returning to his family.
Dark took a quick shower and then walked around downstairs, talking with Enkidu, before heading upstairs, with some wine, to draw up Daizi's bath for her, using the bubbles and bombs and salts he knew she liked while she took a quick shower to be cleaned up for it. Then, he joined her in the bath, and they spent Ivy's naptime in a pleasant, warm embrace.

By the time she woke up, they were dry, cozy, and moisturized to protect their skin after their soak. When Ivy woke, Dark brought her to Daizi, who went down stairs to spend time on the couch with her while he cooked lunch.
Alec came down first, leaving his book upstairs, and first checked in with Dark to make sure he didn't want any help.

Xander came down a few minutes later, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He skipped checking with Dark when he heard Alec talking with him and instead went to join Daizi and Ivy. He made a little small talk with them, his tone just as serious with Ivy as it was with Daizi. He refused to do baby talk.
Daizi was very much at peace and chatted happily with Xander, although she found it hard not to laugh at his adamant adherence to speaking like an adult to Ivy, "She's going to think you're a lawyer," she commented, bouncing Ivy on her knee.
"That, or maybe an FBI agent like her aunt," Xander said without thinking. He paused, realizing what he'd said, and frowned. "Is that okay to say that? Is that okay for you? Is that how that works? Or does there have to be a family meeting about who's actually in the family and who isn't?"
"It's okay," Daizi assured him, stopping herself short from putting her hand on his knee, "We introduce Ciara to her as Aunt Ciara already, and that's what you and Alec call her. She's your family, and you're Ivy's family, so Ciara is Ivy's family. That's how it works, I think. And I introduce Sally to Ivy as Aunt Sally, so..." She shrugged, smiling contentedly, "We get to have a big family together."
She leaned in towards Xander, "I think Ciara is scared of Ivy. Not like how people are afraid of clowns or public speaking, but I think she has no idea what to do with her." She chuckled and sat back, allowing Ivy to lie on her lap, "I think she would have to reboot if we asked her to babysit. I think it's endearing."