How Would You Rule a Country?


Deleted member

There are many ways that a country could be ruled. If I was in charge of a country and I had complete control, I would make smoking illegal. The reason for making smoking illegal is to protect would-be involuntary second hand smokers. Punishment for smoking would be execution by smoke.

There are many other laws that I would implement to keep my country a safe and reasonably free place. I would make healthcare free in all instances involve a patient getting sick or injured through no fault of their own.

There is much more that I could get into, but I don't want to make this post too long. I would like to see how you would rule a country if you were given absolute control. Would you rule through fear, or would you find more compassionate ways to run your institutions?
Power focused into a single vessel always will be corrupted. If I’d gotten such a wish, and ability to rule a nation. I’d probably use the USA model of government, as a prospective means to assure success.
If I was to rule a country. I would make all the kids wear school uniforms whether it is private or public. For girls it would be a school colorjumper, white t-shirt, white pantyhose, and black Start-rite single strapped Mary Jane shoes with a golden buckle on each shoe. While guys wear a white t-shirt, a school color shirt, brown or black pants, a school belt, white knee-high socks, and black dress shoes. No exceptions. I also would let all the good people get their cable/satellite channels, cell phone, and all their utilities for at least $10 a month for life. The minimum wage would be $15 an hour no matter what. They all will be tax free with cheap prices for groceries and other things. And crime will be stopped in a hurry.
This is kinda hard since I'm also not exactly a leader in general. But I guess I'd try to implement stuff that can help improve the lives of others, add more laws, benefits, etc. I don't wanna rule anything using fear but I also don't think I should be too lax as it could cause negative consequences in the future.