New User Howdy :3


New Member
Time to join yet another rp website out of boredom, though this time it’s pandemic induced boredom haha.


Hello, hello, my name is Muse :3
I’m currently a college student (goin for my bachelor of science degree in music technology), though I’ve had the last week and a half breaking from all of that because y’know. Disease. I’ve been roleplaying on and off for about six years now, but have been writing longer than that, so I like to think I’m a pretty competent writer as long as I’ve gotten some sleep. I like creating in-depth worlds and characters with whoever I’m working with, but I’m also not opposed to just jumping in and making things up as we go along. Both are fine ways to rp and definitely a lot of fun because honestly? As long as I’m creating something, it doesn’t really matter to me. Generally though, when I roleplay I give several paragraph responses because I’m super detail-oriented in the third person typically past-tense. I also enjoy talking OOC since I’ve found talking things over before we do it is mighty helpful. Plus making friends is great :emoji_smiley_cat:

But yeah! I think that about sums it up.

I haven’t done one of these in a bit, so if I left out any vital info, don’t hesitate to ask me.

Besides that, I look forward to getting to create with all of you!
Hi! Welcome to STC. If you have any questions about the approval process or anything about the site, feel free to let me know!

My favorite kind of RPs are the ones with an in-depth world The ones with multiple storylines with several of them that connect to one another and overlap with the overarching storyline, and multiple characters and NPCs. You'll fit in well here!

What's your preferred genre, if you had to pick one?
Hi! Welcome to STC. If you have any questions about the approval process or anything about the site, feel free to let me know!

My favorite kind of RPs are the ones with an in-depth world The ones with multiple storylines with several of them that connect to one another and overlap with the overarching storyline, and multiple characters and NPCs. You'll fit in well here!

What's your preferred genre, if you had to pick one?
Definitely fantasy, if I had to pick just one.

Thank you though!
Great to see another member has joined. So, what fantasy movie, or book do you think most resembles your style?
Great to see another member has joined. So, what fantasy movie, or book do you think most resembles your style?
I’d say The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings trilogy would be good representations of what I try to achieve “visually” as far as world-building and depth goes. I like to be as descriptive as I possibly can so you can really have a good picture of how everything looks and what’s going on. Whether or not I actually manage to do that is hard to say, but I’ve had a few people say they enjoy the style I write in. If that answers your question at all :emoji_sweat_smile:
Hey there and welcome to Storyteller's Circle! Just swinging through to let you know that your account has been approved and you now have access to all areas of the forum.