New User Howdy.


Mememan 2017
I'm brand new here and I look forward to writing with everyone!
I may not be the best with stories and plotlines, but I love making weird and fun characters to play as. I'm studying psychology and writing at the moment and this seems like a good place to practice putting those things together. I may post some artwork later too for some character profiles and the like. Hope to get into some good shit with ya'll.
What up, sugarcube? Welcome to STC! You say you're studying psych? I've always been interested in psychology. What made you decide to pursue it?

Feel free to ask any questions you have regarding the site or in general!
Wow, congrats. You're like the first person to get my name. I just like figuring out how people think. It's always been a mystery to me.

I have one. If we wanna start a new subject to RP in, do we post our idea and start a separate thread?
After you get approved, the general way to start a new roleplay is first by going to the bulletin board over in the general roleplaying forums (it's in OOC). From there, you open an interest check thread to see if you get enough response for the idea you're wanting to pitch. If you garner enough attention that you find sufficient to start a roleplay, then you open an official OOC thread in the OOC forums so people can write up their character sheets and you can discuss and sort out the lore, technicalities, etc. of your roleplay. Once everyone is ready to begin, you can open up your IC thread in the IC forums, and you're good to go!