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Craig Leo

The Betrayer of Hope and Devourer of Donuts

My pseudonym is Craig Leo and I am addicted to writing.

I've been obsessed with finishing and publishing a novel of my own ever since I was just a wee lad, but unfortunately I'm one of those kinds of people that just have a hard time finishing anything over 7,000 words (Sometimes I can't even get that far). So my writing career boils down to a few short stories, and some longer incomplete works.

I picked up role-playing when I was around 14-15 and have been hooked ever since, bouncing around between various forum based role-plays and even more chat based ones.

I took a long hiatus at one point, thinking that it would help me focus just on my writing, but that didn't seem to be the case. So I've been looking around for a new and active place to enjoy some fun, interactive storytelling because all of my old haunts seem to have vanished.

I'm looking forwards to getting to know you all and hopefully spinning some very interesting and fun stories.
Welcome to the neighborhood. Like your friendly street corner dealer, we will feed your literary habit.