New User hullo hullo everyone

antonio brown

New Member
it seems as if i've stumbled upon some sort of forum. i'd like to say that i hope it'll be fun here and i make some new friends with some of you.
Welcome Storyteller! :) It is wonderful to have you. If you ever need anything at all, please don't hesitate to reach out! ^^

Hello! Mind you tell us a bit about your RP preferences and experiences?

Much thanks, and glad you're here.
Hello and welcome to storytellers! Don't worry about people judging you for what you like or anything everyone here is very nice and understanding so I am sure that won't be an issue! I hope you will enjoy being here!
Judging >:3

Anyways, we got a lot of fantasies about, but not so much in fandoms (none from My Little Pony, from my experience). I'm sure you can find a Fantasy RP that would suit your interests.
Is this site fun?
Well that depends on how you answer these questions.

1. Do you have or intend to make friends here? Or are you just a Pyromaniac?
2. What one thing YOU can say about yourself? And/or do you own any Uranium?
3. Is there anywhere or anytime you don't like to have fun? Or do your destructive tendencies tend to leave no survivors?

Ok... Here's some more serious(ish) question in case you miss the reference and are left confused by that.

1. What's your favourite type of Fantasy RP?
2. What is so hot it's cool, yet so cool it's hot?
3. Is the reason you're a Brony because your username is Antonio? Which can also be known as Tony? Which rhymes with Pony?

Hello and welcome to storytellers! Don't worry about people judging you for what you like or anything everyone here is very nice and understanding so I am sure that won't be an issue! I hope you will enjoy being here!

Unless if you violate the site rules... >:[

1: both :3
2: i like using big fancy words
3:if you mean emotionally, then decimated.
1:probably dark magic, but sometimes simple powers is nice, depends on how it's executed
2:water when you first enter a shower (seriously, it burns like brimstone yet is as cold as a glacier at the same time. why water, why)
3:no. just no.
video: good for you
signature: is that the master? if so, bu bu ba pum, bu bu ba pum.

P.S: i don't have uranium...but i have a cranium with brainium which is insanium. does that count?
Dark Magic as in Grim Dark Fantasy, or stuff like Black Magic?

... And yea, the showers can be awful. ;A;

And yes, that is the Master. :3
both sound neat. honestly, i've never been much of a stickler for specific types, just types i don't really like, like overly silly or boring rps.

also: this
Thankfully magic is usually able to stay interesting. :p

And that was the other video I was debating posting instead! Nice! XD
here's some questions for you

1: who is your favorite doctor
2: what is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything
3: to exterminate or not to exterminate?
here's some questions for you



1. Peter Capaldi
2a. The meaning of life is to either earn the most amount of cash before reaching the centre or eating your entire bowl of cereal.
2b. The meaning of the universe is to give Carl Sagan an excuse to call us all Star Stuff.
2c. The meaning of everything can be found on Google. :3
3. To Decorate.
Ah Fantasy, Post-Apoc, Modern, anything really! Though I have trouble with mech roleplays, trying to get into one right now, though.