New User I don't have any greeting other than hello


Hello I'm new to role playing in general but I love reading about these awesome adventures. Thing is even though I've become a fan of amazing to people telling amazing stories I've seen very little of actual forums and instead read them on wikis, tv tropes or reddit. Part of me kinda wants to participate in the story not even as a main character but one of those supporting characters like joey from friends who was much funnier with the other friends but a larger part of me is afraid I might screw up and ruin anything I write in or piss someone off by making a bad character/story. So that's basically it really and if anyone can recommended A thread or story thread for me to read to get some idea of how I should write if I actually get the courage that would be very much appreciated.
Hello as a fellow Newbie to the site I welcome you and hope we can RP together in the future. Now even though I'm not that much experienced in rping here i did rp in other mediums though checking out the rules will probably help you if your really new to rping