New User I saw an opening



Well, hello. I am new here, but I thought I would give this site a shot. I have been roleplaying for a few years and I love it. I hope that someone here would be willing to roleplay with me. I'm not to hard to please and as I stated on my profile I like to make creatures and worlds that people seem to love. So, I guess that's it....uhh message me....I guess?
Sup, it's nice to see new players joining in on this wonderful ride of STC!

A new, open and friendly community promoting peace and love to all!

Which is your cue to destroy it BTW.

In any case, go spam general discussions till you get approved or get groovin' with some of the sexy staff members.

Don't... don't actually harass people though.
Hello and welcome to the Circle, FantasyReborn! I hope you'll enjoy your time here. If you have something specific in mind the The Bulletin Board is a great place to put yourself out there! Whether you just want a partner for 1x1 or want to create your own fully fledged RP, you'll find the most people looking at your ideas over there. If you'd rather start slow, you can also browse around in there to see if anything catches your fancy. I usually like to take a look at all the 1x1 RPs just in case there's something that interests me in particular.

Welcome again! Don't be afraid to reach out if you have any questions or if you need any help getting set up with a good roleplay. We're here to help! :3