New User I'm new, what do you know!? *Laughs*

Sierra Lynn

New Member
Hello, Sierra here, I'm new to this particular RP site, have been involved in others but wish to branch out to a new one.
Thank you Darco :) Came off as a bit rash, never really know what to say in these introductionary type threads.
Heya. Welcome to STC.

An open and welcoming community where discourse rarely happens.

Which means obviously, feel free to start chaos when no mods are on. That'd be kinda hard tho since most mods are active all the time :mad:.

In any case, feel free to go through the general discussion forum and spam there until you're approved or sumthin.

Have fun!
Thanks for the advice there Lucifer :p Much appreciated, and yeah I've been posting in the mail lobby in an attempt to get approved. But I've only heard good things about this site so it'll be worth the wait.
Welcome to STC Sierra!

What's your favorite rp genre?

Also if you have any questions about anything feel free to drop them below!

Heya. Welcome to STC.

An open and welcoming community where discourse rarely happens.

Which means obviously, feel free to start chaos when no mods are on. That'd be kinda hard tho since most mods are active all the time :mad:.

In any case, feel free to go through the general discussion forum and spam there until you're approved or sumthin.

Have fun!

We're always on. :)
