New User I'm New!!


A Nerd Who's Too Obsessed With Theatre
Hello, I'm quite happy to be here! Well, so far I suppose. I've been roleplaying now for nine years. I've been searching for a site to write in because I have spare time on my hands, and this one came up. I'm really hoping to make new friends and get back into writing, because I miss doing so. Thank you!
Welcome! I'm also quite new myself, so it's nice to see I'm hardly the only one.

For the sake of all us getting to know you a bit better, how about listing some of your roleplay preferences? Your preferred formats of writing, and genres you particularly like to roleplay in and such things.
Just to add some more to the introduction, I roleplay mostly anything, though I like to avoid heavy violence or extremely strange settings. Most of my characters are LGBT+, though I'm not opposed to having them heterosexual either.
aH I keep forgetting to add things in!!

I prefer literate roleplay in paragraph form, though the amount of paragraphs change depending on how much the other person writes. I'm trying to heighten my writing skills, so I'm sorry if replies seem to be lacking.

Random Information about myself, I'm from Southern California and I adore music and theatre. My characters may project my dramatic flair sometimes. I can read for hours and hours, though any other time I can't quite keep still. I also use the word "quite" too often. It's my favorite word.
Welcome! I'm also quite new myself, so it's nice to see I'm hardly the only one.

For the sake of all us getting to know you a bit better, how about listing some of your roleplay preferences? Your preferred formats of writing, and genres you particularly like to roleplay in and such things.
I fixed some of it!! Thank you ^^"
Hope you don’t mind if I just excuse myself in here.
I am also new myself to the site myself and always nice to see other new people, sorry if I am intruding here.
And myself have a tendency to use "quite" too much.
Hope you don’t mind if I just excuse myself in here.
I am also new myself to the site myself and always nice to see other new people, sorry if I am intruding here.
And myself have a tendency to use "quite" too much.
Not at all! It's nice to see that the site still has active members!! I've been looking for a good site and most seem rather dead.
I know that feeling too well; most sites are either dead or teetering on the edge of almost being dead, just a small amount of life. I am glad I managed to find a site like this, community here seems friendly, nice and on point with what I am searching for in my free time.
Welcome to the site! Hope to roleplay and chat with ye soon. PM me if ye have any questions and have fun :p.