I'm New...


Hey, so I'm new on this site, and to roleplaying online in general, but I'm a quick and eager learner. Is there anyone who could give me a few tips, or a RP that's more for beginners, something that'll kind of ease me in?
Hi, Artaratoryx! That's a nifty name - would love to hear where you thought of it!

I can totally direct you to some new stuff. Is there any sort of genre that you'd be interested in playing? Do you have a preference between group and individual?
For the name: One day it popped up on autocorrect, and when I looked it up it had no definition. I don't know why that appeared, but it's so unique that I ended up using it for my usernames.

I asked around a few other places, and Script ended up directing me towards Westeria City, since it was open to plenty of character variation and is good for beginners. Thanks anyways! (Btw I freackin love your name)
Hi, Artaratoryx! That's a nifty name - would love to hear where you thought of it!

I can totally direct you to some new stuff. Is there any sort of genre that you'd be interested in playing? Do you have a preference between group and individual?
Although according to Script I need to put up a thread in the "Omniverse Character Sheets" section, but I have no clue where that is... any idea?
Thanks! My name is way less cool of a story - there was a person on an RP site I was on named Gotham's Reckoning ("I am Gotham's reckoning...") so I decided to combat the Batman theme with a Watchmen theme.

I can 100% direct you - boop! Let me know when you've got a character - maybe we can RP!
Thanks! My name is way less cool of a story - there was a person on an RP site I was on named Gotham's Reckoning ("I am Gotham's reckoning...") so I decided to combat the Batman theme with a Watchmen theme.

I can 100% direct you - boop! Let me know when you've got a character - maybe we can RP!
Thanks! I already have an idea that I ran by Script. And yeah, we should!
Hey there Artaratoryx. Not only am I talented with witty replies, I am also new to this style of role-playing and am kind of learning as I go. I will shamelessly plug my own RP which is still open for sing-up. You can check it out here to see if it's something you're interested in
Oop, Artaratoryx - I made a mistake. I was rifling through so many intros that I linked you something meant for another user.

This is actually the Omniverse character sheet dump. It works pretty simply - you just make a thread with a witty title including your name and you can use it to store any and all characters that you play in the Omniverse.

Sorry for the mixup! I can probably get a moderator to move your post, if you'd like? Or you can copy-paste it, whatever works for ya.