Resolved/Answered I'm not new, but cannot post

Hmm, it seems I have insufficient privileges to post anywhere but the forums that newly created accounts can post. I'm not new to this site, I've been here since December of last year, and my account was already approved because I've participated in several roleplays since then.

I'm not sure if my account being flagged as new was a glitch, or if it's a feature. I haven't been active on this site for a while, so I'm guessing after a certain period of time accounts must be reapproved if they aren't active? But after reading the post about getting your account approved, I didn't see any mention of accounts needing to be reapproved after a certain length of inactivity.

I hope this was just a glitch, I'm not sure how useful reapproving accounts would be. It seems as if it'd just be more strain on the staff, and a nuisance to returning players. They've been deemed acceptable to post once already, why should it need to be done twice?

Anyways, what should I do to get reapproved? Since I'm a returning user can a mod flag me as good to go? Or am I going to have to go through the process of posting an intro and talking on the new user forums again?
Yeah this is a known bug. This should explain it a bit:

Most of it worked itself out already, but since the system doesn't check accounts that haven't logged on recently, we occasionally get late arrivals who pop in and get hit with it. It's a one time bug for every single account that was created prior to the introduction of the bug unfortunately. Just a matter of when they log on and get effected.

We just automatically-approve any accounts that pop up in the approval list if they were previously approved. That said, you should be fixed now.