I'm sorry [Frost & lilly25432)


Active Member

The harsh wind pulled at Aidens clothes like claws as he slowly walked along the road on the way to school. Old, dry leaves crunched underneath his shoes and the tall, naked trees that lined the street howled in the wind. It was early spring, but still cold and colorless like winter. School had started just a couple of weeks ago, not that he complained. At least it gave him somewhere to be other than home. The winter break had been a nightmare and he shuddered at the though of the weeks he'd been locked up in the big empty house. He pulled his hoodie tighter around his cold body, slowly regretting his decision to leave his jacket at home.

A big, loud car zoomed it's way past him, throwing up a cascade of water on it's way. He quickly jumped out of the way to not get soaked and felt how the contents of his lazily closed bag fell out at the sudden movement. Turning around he found the few books he had spread out on the ground behind him and that one of them had fallen into the muddy puddle in the road. Cursing, he quickly picked up the sketchbook and shook it carefully to try and get rid of the excess water and dirt. He cautiously turned the pages to examine the damage. Luckily it was one of his newer books, but the few drawings in it were all smudged and muddy, reigning them pretty much ruined. He closed the book and sighed weakly before putting it and the rest of the books back into his bag.
No one wanted to be the last person inside the school. It was embarrassing, shameful, and often resulted in punishment. However, it was almost as bad to be the first.

Story stood at her teacher's door and wobbled on her heels. She had been waiting nearly five minutes to ask the historian a single question regarding their upcoming project, but he appeared to be late. She rested her crown against the door frame and sighed. In the distance, blue and green lockers reigned about.

"I need to go to the park..." Story mumbled, her mind drifting off to the grass and sky. Sounds of swallows drifted through her head, casting the smallest smile unto her face.

A blob moved in the distance, causing Story to sit upright. Blinking, she found it to be only a banner: Get a Date, Don't Be Late! Homecoming is Grrrrreat!" along with the details for the upcoming dance. Something about the sign caused a slight laugh. Perhaps it was the tiger painting on the right, acting like it was chewing away at the sides, or maybe it was the tacky blue and green sparkles used to outline the lettering. It could have been the left string that was holding the sign up, slightly tattered and mangled. Whatever the case, Story couldn't resist letting out a slight growl sound, accompanied by several tiny giggles.
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As Aiden walked onto the schoolyard he sighed once again. It looked just as it had always done. Bleak, red brick buildings with small windows making the school look eerily familiar to a prison. The playground wasn't much more exciting, if you could even call it a playground. It had a few benches placed around on the brown grass, an old swing set and a slide for the younger kids. There were only a handful of people around at the moment, mostly the smoker kids standing around the corner having a smoke as usual. He threw them a quick glance, but walked past them without further notice. He didn't bother them and they didn't bother him; easy as that.

Walking through the front doors Aiden was met by a slightly bigger crowd. Classes were just about to start so people were hanging around outside their classrooms, waiting and chatting. He pulled his dark hood further down his face and avoided making any eye contact. The loud chattering made his body tense up and he blinked hard for a moment in an attempt to drown in out. He didn't know when it began, but for some time people overall had just made him feel agitated and withdrawn. He despised small talk, and disliked it even more when people would try to befriend him, like he didn't see their nervous smiles or anxious laughs when he didn't respond in kind. He just wanted to be left alone.

He swallowed. Hard. Knowing that he didn't really have much of a choice he just kept walking, lost in his own thoughts. As he suddenly pumped into something, or rather someone he quickly took a step back and hissed at the blonde girl.
"Watch it!" before hurrying past them without giving her a second glance.