Inked [1x1]

Otto moved to the couch. He perched on the wide arm and ran a hand through uncombed, curly hair. He opened his mouth to remind her of his promise, but stopped himself. Maybe it would be better to stay inside, for a day at least. Maybe even a couple.

He stood up. "I think I have...instant noodles." He laughed nervously. Maybe that would be all she needed, something quick. "Feel free to put on the TV. The remote's...somewhere." He disappeared into the kitchen. The once or twice a cat wandered in, he would pick them up and sit them down next to Laila before returning back to the MasterChef cooking station.

Five minutes or so later he came back into the living area, holding two cup noodles with forks already in. "Careful, it's hot," he warned as he handed Laila the plastic cup. He nudged the short coffee table closer to the couch and sat down. Despite having just sat down, he glanced at Laila and cleared his throat. "I think I might have a bottle of wine..." he trailed off, though the offer was obvious.
Laila was in no mood to leave the apartment so she was relieved when Otto had something he could offer in the way of food, though she couldn't help but teasing him about the lack of real food in his kitchen.

She didn't bother with the TV, instead just leaned against the couch, and closed her eyes sighing heavily. Repeatedly she'd feel a cat being placed into her lap and she'd pet it until whichever one decided to go and bother Otto again.

When the noodles were ready she straightened up and started digging in the couch for the remote. It was comforting to be here with Otto, watching movies together, she could almost forget...

"That sounds like a good idea," She agreed at once, taking his cup in her hand to prevent the cats from getting into it while he went looking for the drink.
A minute or so later, Otto was back in the living room with the bottle and two wine glasses. A while ago, he'd had to buy one more glass so that he could drink with Laila. He'd hoped for happier times, ones they could toast to, but...

He screwed the top off the wine, poured the two glasses then left the bottle open on the table. He seemed to just have the faith that the cats wouldn't knock it over, even if that's what cats did best.

He swapped one of the wine glasses for the noodle cup that Laila was holding. "You got the remote?" He asked.
She wanted to forget the last forty-eight hours, but she didn't want to down the whole bottle and leave Otto to deal with her so she took her glass with a quiet thanks. One of the cats did go near the bottle to sniff it but after a firm "No." From Laila, he slinked away.

She took a sip from the wine and then set her glass aside so she could pass the remote and dig into her warm noddles.
Otto took the remote, somehow holding his glass of wine and his dinner with his other hand and arm. He switched the TV on. He flicked blindly through channels - sure to avoid the local news - and eventually landed on Supermarket Sweep. "Opinions on gameshows?" He asked in a bemused tone, still holding the remote up.
"Hate 'em." Laila answered without missing a beat, but a small smile appeared and she touched his arm before he could change the channel. "Kidding. Love Game Shows."

Still almost smiling, she settled into the couch and tucked into her noodles, occasionally sipping at her wine. When she'd finished both, she pulled her legs up to her chest, hugging her knees and sitting like that she'd doze off, the cats coming to sleep at her side.