New User Introduction to my main OC

Lila Renn

Hell on Earth.
My main OC, that I've been using on many sites now :p. Is called Alexia Luxway. She is a kind and outgoing sort of person. Who always get herself into trouble. She is stubborn and brave, and everything new she comes across she calls it an adventure. She has a light tan on her skin, and she has clear, sky blue eyes. She has long black hair, which is up in a ponytail to keep it out of her eyes. She usually wears a white shirt with a green leather jacket, and black leather pants along with black combat boots and red fingerless gloves. She hates when people call her names, or be rude to her friends. She is overly protective of her friend sand will do anything to keep them out of harms way. She usually has a witty remark or response to anything someone has to say about her. She is 19 Years old.
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Greetings and welcome to Storyteller's Circle :)

Is there anything you can tell us about yourself? Always happy to hear about peoples OC's, but the introduction post is meant to be a way to introduce yourself to fellow players. You didn't give us much insight into yourself. I can toss you a few questions to jump start things a bit :)

Any specific genres of writing you like? What attracted you to Storyteller's Circle? Do prefer 1x1 roleplays, or group roleplays? How long have you been roleplaying for?
Thanks for the warm welcome! I like descriptive writing, but sometimes I do a bit of persuasive :p The thing that attracted me to the site, was how it looked. It looked organised, most people were active and it looked fun, so I thought I'd give it a try! I really don't mind 1x1 Roleplays or group ones! I'm quite new to the roleplaying community! So I'd say a few months!
Welcome to STC Lila!
Is there any specific genre you prefer to roleplay? Any that you don't like?
Like 3rd person roleplay? Or would you prefer historical rp? (sorry if I'm a bit abrasive I'm terribly overly curious)
I don't mind third person. I just hate any roleplay's that are based in the past, its kind of boring for me :-;
I feel that. I like all roleplays. Except for fandoms mostly cause I don't watch TV (I do but I can't roleplay paw patrol or the octonaughts) I think romance and horror are my top two!
On another note what is your favorite color?
Oh, nice! I'm more of a teal person, but purple makes a really sick hair color!
I really hope you enjoy it here! And feel free to ask any questions you have