New User Introductions


Good day/night/whatever your current time is :D,

I just recently found out about this site through Shadrack'Nor. I thought to myself, why not join his RP in the making? And here I am... I started roleplaying around 6 years ago, with forum RP and pen&paper sessions. I went through several sites, joining many RPs, however most of the time people just disappeared, while blocking the RPs. This obviously let the RPs die.
I am quite bad at this kind of selling myself xD, but a bit more to my person. I like to read novels, play video (computer) games, am a giant fan of the Stargate, Warhammer and H.P. Lovecraft universes (My knowledge is nowhere near the section I would like it to be -.-' time what is time?). The hook for me, at least most of the time is fantasy/sci-fi.

What else is there left for me to say? If anyone has any question, feel free to ask me :D

Have a nice 2nd advent sunday and stay healthy