New User Introductory Post

Hello, my name is Allison and I have spent most of my life roleplaying. I am always looking for new people to roleplay with as I am open to character development. I am a semi literate roleplayer who is active as often as I can be. I typically reply at least once a day, usually more. How often I respond depends on my job. I prefer my main character to be a hetero-romantic female however I do enjoy playing numerous characters to keep the story moving. My roleplay interests include but are not limited to; wolf packs, vampire/human, supernatural, magic high-school, transformers, superheroes/villains, real life, shapeshifters, etc. I like roleplays to have romance, action, and a plot. I do ask that if you want to roleplay with me, that you already have an idea of what you want.
Welcome to STC!
Do you prefer 1x1 or group rps?

Also if you have any questions about anything feel free to leave them below!
I honestly don't have a preference. I tend not to be able to keep up with larger groups however. But whether it's 1×1 or small groups, I enjoy playing multiple characters just to see how different their paths can go.