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I never know what to write in these. I tend to skip this step because of it, but I'm going to give it my best.

I've been writing for as long as I can remember, crafting stories with a pen on paper long before technology became my constant companion. I'm older now, but the thirst for new experiences never seems to fade and I'm here to see if I can find a partner or two to share them with. Because while I do like to travel alone, it's not quite the same thing. However, I'm an introvert. This means that I'm easily overwhelmed and that it can take some time to connect with me, but once you do you have a very loyal co-creator at your side that always makes an effort to build something magnificent out of words. I like to see us writers as architects, letters being our material of choice.

I was trying to be charming, not so sure it worked ha. But I think I'm going to leave it as it is and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Otherwise, we'll probably see each other around. Have a nice day! / Amity

I think most people find introduction threads a bit awkward :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: We just ask that people make the effort. That said, welcome! Mind if I ask what genres you favor writing? Or are you a 'little bit of everything' person?
Mind if I ask what genres you favor writing? Or are you a 'little bit of everything' person?
I'm a little bit of everything kind of person. I'm not so fond of epic fantasy, and I thrive in the magical realism realm, but I do love to mix things up a little.
Versatility is a good trait, especially when trying to find new roleplays. That said we've had a lot of new people rolling in these last couple of days so I expect there will be an influx of new roleplays on the way soon as well. I would recommend you browse through some of the other introduction threads and see if anyone catches your eye, or if their interests align with your own. It's never too early to start planning for roleplays and finding potential partners :)
I've already read through a lot of request threads and there are a few interesting players on here, so I'm not too worried. :) I'm also plotting stuff in my head, an adult retelling of Red Riding Hood among other things, so I'm keeping myself busy.
Sounds good then :)

I've gone ahead and approved your account, so you should have access to all the roleplay areas of the site now.