New User It Herzi. It Querzi.


Only the Worst of Jokes

It's the combination HerziQuerzi.​

Part of @Nilum 's gang. Too lazy to come up with quirky~* and funny~* introduction bullshit so I'll just play it straight. I'm a dedicated casual when it comes to living, cracking bad jokes and refusing to take thing seriously. Very laid back. As evidenced by the banner, I like photoshopping stuff, be that as part of a joke, or graphics for threads/avatars/etc. I like to think I'm a good RPer and a better writer, but I may or may not be biased there.

Hobbies include RPing (obviously), LoL, various other video games with friends, Magic: the Gathering (both playing and homebrewing), and just generally fucking around.

General RP posting is roughly once a week per RP, in 2-3 RPs, 2-4 paragraphs per post. Some examples of my (better) writing can be found here and here.

We have a number of LoL players slumming it up here, so I imagine you'll find some people to talk shop with on that front if you get the mind to :)

I don't know about that roleplaying hobby though... I can ask around, but I don't know if we have any roleplayers here :(

I used to be a LoL player and quit halfway through the last season, but the preseason update looks really good, so I think I'll just HAVE to start up again :)

I hope you find everything you're looking for. If you need anything, PM me, yeah?
Hrmm LoL is actually one of the games I -don't- play. But for a very good reason! One day I'll tell you that reason. Maybe.

Welcome to the Circle!
Hrmm LoL is actually one of the games I -don't- play. But for a very good reason! One day I'll tell you that reason. Maybe.

Welcome to the Circle!
Let me guess. It's because the community starts with T and ends with Oxic?
Fuck Holmi, you should just publish a book of your random demi-inspirational quotes.
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