New User Joining in the campfire tales


By hook or by crook
Hello all!

I've been roleplaying off and on for a number of years. I like tales of action and adventure where the characters soon find themselves in trouble. I've recently discovered that I enjoy games with a historical setting. Currently, I've been enjoying a couple games set in the 1800s and I'm always up for more of those! (American Civil War or Wild West) Though I also wouldn't mind exploring earlier in history.

With that said, I'm also a fan of old-school style D&D games.

From a non-RP perspective, I enjoy gardening, dabble in archery, and compete in dog agility.

Looking forward to getting to know some of the folks here! :)
Welcome to STC CorralDust!! I’m loving the name of this post >w<. I’m really sorry I haven’t come here sooner to say hello! I see you have already been approved as a member which is great ^-^ I hope you enjoy your time on this site and make friends you can roleplay with! The genres you mentioned do all seem like great genres that you could make really cool stories with. If you have any question please do not hesitate to ask me or any other mentors!
Thanks, Mystic! It seems like a friendly site so far. I can't think of any questions right now, but I do appreciate the offer. :)