New User Joining the campfire


Active Member
LAAaaadiiiies and gentlemen!

What? A bit over the top?

Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening, whenever I might catch your attention. Gather 'round, let me tell you a story of fame and fortune, of treachery, downfall and miscreants.
What? Oh... You don't care about my life... Fair enough, neither do I.

On to more pressing matters, then?
I humbly present myself as Amdarh, fair lady of the low lands, happy to join this little gathering. I've been dabbing in roleplaying for a while now, but started online roleplaying only a couple months ago. I came across this website through RP forum recommendations, and the place looked nice and inviting. I'm really looking for a friendly community in which to settle in. So... fingers crossed!

The little voice in my head is telling me I should maybe say something concrete about myself. Do you think that's relevant in an introduction? Oh, what the heck!
I'm interested in a multitude of things such as history (Rome! and others), TV series (GoT, Vikings, loads of comedies), fantasy (warhammer, lotr, HP), sci-fi (Doctor Who, 40K)... When it comes to roleplaying, I'm happy to play as anything, in any setting, but I usually prefer to develop new characters, even if they are set in a known universe. I do like drama though. Oh boy.
What more can I say? I am very open and am happy to answer any and all question and to discuss with anyone.

Okay, now where are the peanuts? What do you mean there are no peanuts? What kind of reception is this?!?!
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welcome to STC! don't be worried about fitting in you'll do just fine, check out the main lobby to help people get to know you a little more or share your writing in Writers Circle, once again Welcome to STC and have fun!
Well, look at that, someone actually went for a confident entrance here, and a truly bombastic one at that! Day's certainly right on this one: you're gonna fit right in with our little band of misfit artists. Make sure you have a look at the account approval info thread, we've had several people confused by that process lately. If you have any questions it doesn't answer, feel free to post in the Help forum or pop into the site chat to ask. Otherwise, just have a look around and post wherever you feel so inclined in the forums open to new users; a half dozen posts or so will usually get you approved quite promptly, especially since you posted early in the day and most of the mods are up and about. I look forward to RPing with you, and welcome you to the Circle!
Thanks for the welcome!
I had a look at the approval process, but anyway I'd rather get a feel of the place before I dive in, avoids bumps on the head.
Looking forward to RPing with you too!