Just something


"There is no power on this earth that can stop me"
you always see how people strive for greatness, beauty, intelligence, money, power, but when you look back at the big picture we're the only ones who can have an affect. Let me give you an example when you're think of god you think of this omnipotent being that's beyond our imagination that's what humans want to be, that's our goal. millions of years of evolution has transformed us to the mass of brain we are today. Let's look at another example, saitama arguably one of the most powerful characters in the universe, capable of killing everything in one punch. We set ourselves in the mindset of that fictional being that never existed or ever will and we can wipe them away with less than a hand wave. Think off that how odd, when we strive for power and greatness when we are in possession of the most powerful item in the existence of everything that will ever be. Ourself.
Yes, but power in fiction is 1 thing, power in reality is something else. I think the reason why so many ppl fixate on some badass fictional being or other, is because they want to be like that, at least in there own head, if they cant be like that for real. So its there little escape from the power-lesness of there real lives. Why do you think super-hero comics are so popular, especialy among basement-nerd types? All those Super-this, Wonder-that, Awesome-this, Incredible-that. :p And making shalow movies on the topic. They all depict one variation or another, of vhat someone WANTS to be like. But since they cant (or dont want to put in the rekuired effort to become) like that IRL, they make up a personifikation of that desire, in a super-hero. So they live there own introverted fantasy, in there own head. Or have a handy jackoff material, in case of a super-hero of opozite gender. And in my considered opinion, thats not power. Thats a ilusion of power.

Power in fantasy is easy. You just have to imagine it, shape in up in your head, pretend your it, and voila! You can be beutiful, strong, smart, charming, etc. etc... Too bad its all fake. Power irl takes long, hard work and conzistent dedication and perserverance. And most ppl today arent too keen on hard work, have a ADD from excesive TV bulshit, or both, they prefer to lazy-up all day and read super-hero comics, vhile haveing evrything delivered to them on a silver plate. Insted of geting off there ass and doing something to become actualy powerful. Price of easy living, humans become utterly power-less.

So yes, we have ourself, as the potentialy most powerful item in the universe. But the key-word here is "potentialy". Potential is nothing if its not realyzed.