
Glitchy Dragon

Rays of orange and red streaked and danced amongst the sky slowly just as the crack of dawn had officially went. The sun's light warmed the vast mountainous range along with it's neighboring forest ,which encompassd the arc, telling for all of the continent's inhabitants to begin their new day. Everything was near silent except for the gentle flapping of wings of an large blue dragon high in the sky. It's navy scales resembled that of an porcupine's with the exception that they were flattened to protect it's body and were much wider. Long spiked dark blue ridges went all the way from head to tail until it met against it's axe-shape bladed tail. The membrane of his wings along with his underbelly and horns were that of an dark hue. His green eyes scanned his surroundings constantly as if under heavy pursuit, yet, nothing followed.
Landing on the mouth of cave not too far from hs recent origins, he shakes himself off before closing his eyes momentarily and releasing a small sigh. He then hurridly delves into the winding tunnels darkness of the cave until entering an dimly torch-lit room. There inside sat his mate, Izass, a beautiful light blue dragoness with long smooth white horns and red worried eyes, staring deeply at a bundle of eggs not too far forward of her.
He cleared his throat. "I-Iza, sorry i'm late" he explained. "Sneaking away with the morning patrol was a bit of a challenge... Did I miss any of it?" The dragon gazes down in examination of the eggs whilst taking a seat next to her.
"No, no... It's just...well..." her voice softly trails off just as his head turns to her. "The second one to the left was moving, but it's been some time since it's stopped. I'm worried that there could be something wrong with the egg... What if the egg was too much for the wyrmling and it died while I waited for it to hatch?"
"Well..." It wasn't unheard of for an wyrmling to die inside the egg being it was too weak, but at the same time, it wasn't exactly common. But he didn't wish to worry and scare her even further with than she already was now. "You musn't doubt the children already now. I was lucky enough to have mated with an dragon as strong as you, I'm sure they're just tough as you are."
She gives a small smile and a bit of an nod. "Yeah...if anything, tougher than me, too..." Their tails twine and just as this happens, the very same egg they'd conversed about shud and moved with potential.
"See?! What'd I tell you?" he chuckled delivering a small lick on her snout.
"Oh, you" Izass giggled as a smile cracks across her face and she tears up a bit. "Just watch, watch..."
The very first crack sounded loudly causing for both parents to lean in with wide eyes. The birthing continued and soon the ground was astrewn with pieces of egg around it and at them stared a tiny wyrmling's head. It's large curious eyes were a deep crimson red and it's underdeveloped scales held a soft pink colour meanwhile, the rest of it's body kept it's egg covering.
"Hmm, look at those big beautiful eyes..." the dragoness cooed.
"Yes, Agarthian blood runs strongly in it's veins." Crimson eyes were the highlights of an Agarthian, his mate. It meant the dragonet wouldn't be welcomed into his kingdom and to be forever hunted down if seen. It was both a curse and a blessing.
"Too bad this one doesn't have green eyes like you... Then it would've been able to venture into the city by your side." Iza reaches forward cautiously towards the dragonet before it lets out a sharp Eep! of disapproval and shrinks back into it's shell.
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