New User Looking for a home for my RP!


Hello new website I found!

I'm Lazzamore, I enjoy writing and roleplaying, which brings me here. I LARP with some friends on occasion, and we have been doing it for quite a long time. As a result, we have this massive fantasy universe (dubbed 'Chronicle'), mostly made of familiar fantasy tropes, with some unique bits thrown in. It's more or less a collage of everything we liked and thought would be cool over the years. I'm looking to start a forum RP, and I think I'll use that universe.

I was very pleased that this site encourages much of what I'm interested in, and look forward to Roleplaying with you all! Now, would someone be so kind as to point me in the direction of a guide as to how to operate this sites features?
Hey, Lazza! It's fantastic to have you - especially if you're looking to start an RP. We're a little RP thirsty around here!

So, here are the site rules - where you can learn what you need to do to get started accessing the RP functions of the site.

We've also got two RP guidelines available - one for our Epic RPs, and one for our Tabletop RPs, depending on which one you'd look for. We also have standard play-by-post type stuff, if you'd like to just make a thread and giver.
Now, would someone be so kind as to point me in the direction of a guide as to how to operate this sites features?

Your wish is my command.

To find certain character bios you'd have to go the Character Depository within Out-of-Character > Character Depository.

And as for the Posting Process?

If you mean setting up for one, you first find an Interest Check which is where people are looking for people to join their RPs. You can find those in the Bulletin Board within:
Out-of-Character > Bulletin Board

Then when that's done usually the GM (Game Master) of the RP will set up an OOC (Out of character) forum and link to it. Which is where players discuss the RP and plan about it. You can find those within:
Out-of-Character > Out-of-Character Discussion

And then once everything is properly planned? Your GM will set up an In Character thread where the actual RP takes place, and likewise will usually link to it. Which you can find within:
Play-by-post > Select your Genre

If however you mean the workings of an RP itself? Basically it's you and another player writing a book, except instead of just going on and on by yourself you each control different characters, and you take turns respond to one another. So in an RP with just two players you'd make a post, they would make a post replying, and then you'd reply to them etc. If it's a Group RP it differs by group, but usually you either just wait for one other person to post OR wait for every player in the RP to post before replying.

Does that help?
Ah, I see, I see.

I was on the live-chat, and I think before I make my own RP I'm gonna join Chronicles of the Omniverse, Tiko's gonna let me come up with a nation so I can have Orc characters! I'm going to get settled in there to get used to how things flow before I undertake my own RP. Can't have too much experience. Thank you all for a warm welcome!