Lost Youth

Lena shook her head a little. "No, never. You've never scared me." She says.

Falkor nods a bit and smiles gently. He looks to Travis. "I don't doubt a single thing you say and am grateful for your care of her."

Lena bites her lip a little again then asks. "Do...I have a mom...or brothers..."

Falkor had to hide his pain as he looks to his daughter. He had hoped to avoid the subject for now but he couldn't lie to her. "You are an only child. Our joy."

He takes a moment then adds. "Your...Mother passed two years after you were taken. She became ill, the doctors tried everything. "

Lena tenses at those words, there was a deep sadness in her as he said them but still she could bring up an image of the woman. She rests her head back against Travis' chest.

Falkor could see the pain in his daughter's eyes but also the confusion. "Perhaps we can talk more in the morning? You must be hungry." He says gently.
Trav stroked her hair gently. He remembered when his own mother passed, he didn't think the pain would be any less just because she hadn't known about a mother until a few moments ago.
"Lucky you," He said gently, "You don't have any brothers to ground your face into the dirt, or beat you up because you are a sap for a girl," He tried to make her laugh a little, "Or is that just mine? Maybe you should tell them to be nicer to me. They're so mean."
He rose to his feet, lifting her easily and setting her on her feet,
"I'm starving, and I just must eat some of those potatoes you peeled," He teased gently.
Lena managed tonsmile a bit as Travis spoke. She nods a little. "Not sure they will listen to me though. " She smiles again, wiping her eyes a little. "Martha said I picked all the big ones."

Falkor moved to his feet as well and walks with them towards the smell of food. It was going to be hard to eat as his heart ached so much for his daughter but he would eat. The way that Travis was with his daughter eased his mind but still made him wonder if she would ever want to live with her father again. He had to remind himself that they needed to take baby steps with this. He couldn't rush her.
"They'll listen to you, they like you, and if you're stern to them and make them wash dishes or something, they'll be sure to mind you." He grinned, "Good, makes more for us all to eat." He poked her in the ribs gently, "Need to put some more meat on your bones." He took her arm and led her to the dining room.
He helped her to her seat and took his on one side of her, leaving the other side free for her father.
She smiles warmly to Travis. She giggled a little as he poked her. "We are working on it." She smiles again and walks with him. Sitting down at the table, she tried to relax and focus on eating something.

Falkor had followed them to the dining room and sat at the empty chair that had been left for him.

His little girl. He was still searching for the answer of how she had been taken from their protected home that cold night. Nothing had turned up but that only meant he had to look harder now because he would not feel safe having her at home if he couldn't keep her protected. If they could catch the hunters there was a chance for answers but they had to catch them.

Lena managed to eat a good amount, not as much as this morning but still a good portion.
The brothers chatted teasingly to each other, putting their guests at ease with their happy and familiar manner.
After the meal was done, Trey began yawning, his fast and furious ride now catching up with him.
Travis looked to Lena,
"Would you like to go to bed, Lena? It's still early yet, if you feel up to staying up," He said softly. He paused for a moment, then said quietly, "I have a surprise for you, I was going to give it to you tomorrow, but now is just as good I suppose."
Sophie came in, a heavy basket in her arms, a cloth covering the top.
The food had been wonderful and helped ease more of her nerves. Even the pain had subsided a little more but she was sure it would return later.

She looks to Travis as he spoke. She was tired but she shakes her head a little. "I want to stay up a little longer."

She blinks when he said he had something for her and then saw Sophie bring in a large basket. "What is it?" She asks curiously.

Falkor could only smile as he sat back in his chair and watched. He had a feeling he may know what it was that was beneath the cloth.
Travis gestured to Sophie, who brought the basket to him. He reached in and pulled out a large puppy.
It was a doopy looking dog, big muzzle, giant paws and over sized ears.
He placed it on Lena's lap,
"Now you will have the best protection anyone can give you. A loyal friend who can stay with you all the time."
He rubbed the puppy's ears fondly, looking into Lena's face wanting to know that she liked her present, that she understood it was his way of giving her protection when he couldn't be there, if she wanted to leave, she would still have a piece of him to go with her.
Lena's eyes widen at the sight of the sweet puppy. She smiles happily and gently reaches out to pet the puppy. She loved the thought of having someone with her at all times and never feeling alone again.

She moves from her chair and hugs Travis, being careful not to squish the puppy any. "Thank you so much." She says as she hugged him tightly.

Falkor smiled warmly as he watched his daughter's reaction to the puppy. Even as a little girl she had always loved animals. He was glad that she still had that part of her in her, not for himself but because he knew animals always made her happy.

He nods to Travis, letting the man know that he was doing well with his daughter and he respected it greatly.
Travis grinned, hugging her back, careful of her back. He kissed her cheek,
"You're welcome."
He smiled at Falkor, thankful that the man seemed accepting of whatever relationship it seemed he and Lena had.