Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Lutetia City: Lumiena Square

as written by Script

With a sigh of relief, Noah lowered his sword - though he didn't immediately let his guard down. Insofar as his soulsight could tell, the necromancer was truly gone. But there were ways to fool even supernatural eyes. "I suppose bigger bullets work just as well," he remarked with a small smirk.

"We should fan out and check for any remaining undead in the alleyways and nearby buildings," Peregrine called. "The last thing we want is to leave behind any unfortunate... 'surprises'."

He was making his way over to where two police officers lay on the ground, apparently without any injuries, to check for signs of life. When he found them, he called out to the others. "These two are still alive! They seem stable, but they're out cold. Very cold. Let's get an ambulance en route for when we can give the all clear." The last instruction was clearly directed at the approaching police.
as written by glmstr

"Got it," Jazz refrained from opening fire during the encounter, but he wasn't done here. He unhooked a radio from his belt and clicked the large button on the side,
"The threat's been taken out at the Square. We need a few ambulances and a perimeter established around the area. There might be more nearby to sniff out."

When the dispatch on the other side received his message, the officer slipped the radio back where it was holstered. He moved towards Noah and the two still-living casualties, addressing the only one of the three still conscious.
"You're an Animancer, right? Is there anything else nearby?"
as written by Ronin

The creature destroyed, Savien lowered his weapon and flicked the ammunition tumbler back into standard lead. He wiped his sword against his cloak and sheathed it.

"I'll check the alleyways," he replied, "we should go door-to-door, make sure everyone's alright." He looked at the group of advancing re-enforcement, startling as he noticed a distinct golden figure walking among the cops. The Golden Knight had come? Savien hadn't expected to see one of the Order's most distinguished knights on the field, much less in a two-bit skirmish like this one. He made his way over to the Golden.

"Sir Hayes," his voice was steeled in reverence and he touched his fingers to his lips, bowing. He looked up, face stone and iron in the eyes of his friend and mentor, before a bit of warmth cracked his mask and a light smile twitched over his jaw. "Brother." There was warmth in his words. He clapped a gaunleted hand on Kurtrin's pauldron. "I hadn't expected to see you on the field tonight."
as written by Emperor Jester

For a long moment, Kurtrin was stunned. He'd stopped dead in his tracks, sword arm dropping to the ground once he saw the fel beast expire. He'd gone through all the trouble...he'd convinced himself this would be a worthy night to don the armor, the sword, rally to the call once more, with pride and purpose. But he'd been too slow. It was...already over.

And then the Savien lad called him brother and offered praise all the same. For what? Taking a few steps off of his motorcycle and getting worked up over something that might as well already been settled? It took a lot of effort for the old man to swallow his wounded pride behind a painful session of teeth grinding and faking smiling, glad his face was heavily obscured by the helmet's guard. "The Light calls to us all when the city needs aid. I arrived too late to see what happened in good detail, but you served the Order well tonight, Brother."

There was the slightest bit of sarcasm creeping into the heroic knight's tone, though not enough to make it sound like he was being anything more than teasing, even if it was a tad gruff.
as written by Krysis

Well. That was fast. Yep. Probably should have let the paladins handle the mess in the first place. Louis sighed in relief and frustration as he peeled off his padded gloves. He wrapped the coil of razor sharp metal in them so it would be safe to handle as he strode over to check on Officer Roger Zeeman and pull the rookie to his feet.

"Where is your partner?" was the first question out of his mouth, which received an embarrassed look, a mumble and a gesture back towards the main part of the conflict. That admission earned a hard look from the young detective and the distinct feeling of of disappointment before he turned and walked off to go find the other three officers that had been involved from the beginning.

"Get his statement and his weapon. Until Zeeman is checked out, treat him like he might be possessed again at any moment. Cuff him and put him in the back of one of the squad cars." Louis directed over his shoulder at the remaining two officers that had stayed near the parked cars.

Officer John, the hard-eyed veteran that had figured out how to use his pepper spray as an explosive, emerged from the shelter behind a public mailbox when the shooting stopped. He brushed cinders from his uniform as he walked over towards the group around the unconscious officers, one of which was his partner: The young man that had been caught in the street when the car that was attempting to crush him had been destroyed.

He was a man of few words, and a gruff voice when he did speak. If someone denied his right to be there, he would growl, "The rookie, my rookie, didn't do half bad, for being an idiot." and indicate the sprawling Officer George.
as written by Emperor Jester

As Harik trekked through the Square, the bronze-tinted foreigner would draw a few looks from those the youth passed by. For one, he was absolutely filthy. He'd done as much of his travel from Caldonia on foot as he possibly could have, and had worn the same clothes for the majority of the cross-continental hike, so it was fair to say he had a bit of a stench. Luckily, while still present, it was masked by what those close enough could only guess was an expensive perfume or cologne. With him, the stranger to Lutetia carried two seemingly stuffed to the brim backpacks, from which dangled various pots, pans, canteens, and a rather expensive looking curve sword. A twin sword hung from his hip, his left side, easily within reach. Perhaps he had gotten the directions wrong.

When he'd first arrived at the city borders, he had asked directions to somewhere he could find a hotel at best, a cheap motel at worst. He was then informed that those sort of areas were populated by werewolves, and that if he valued his safety, he'd be safer sticking to the better off sections of the city. That had left him nearly as clueless as he was before, so after consulting a map at a tourist office, he made his way to Lumenia, despite warnings of two trouble incidents not yet months before. It still seemed like his best bet, but now that he was there, he felt even more lost.

A loud groan of annoyance followed by a hearty sigh. What was he even doing here? Why had he come to Issunar? He hadn't expected answers by now, not rationally, but he had hoped that once he was on the soil, things would be made clear. This is what he had felt, had come to expect, and since it hadn't happened, he only felt bitter disappointment. He had stopped to contemplate these thoughts, and as soon as he'd ceased moving forward, his body was suddenly racked with a dull aching pain. Everything, literally everything, so sore in an instant. More bad luck.

"Fucking wonderful..." Was the mumbled curse to Lady Fortune, as he made his way into a halfway crowded cafe, hoping to get a hot beverage, a cheap-ish snack, and directions to a relatively affordable hotel.
as written by Krysis

Directions right or wrong, it meant that Harik was walking past as Giselle exited a shop. She had stack of bolts of cloth on one shoulder, and a portfolio case full of designs dangling from the other. The extremely fair skinned girl had a wide-brimmed hat (at a stylish angle of course) to protect her face from the harsh sunlight, and long gloves to guard her hands, to go with a high-necked blouse and long skirt. Her gaze followed the foreign boy as she made her way towards her car, though she couldn't say why.

In fact, she downright stared, so much that she knew which cafe he entered. It would take her several minutes to put away the supplies for her work, and slam the door shut until the lock actually caught, so she was not immediately behind the bronze-skinned boy when he was seated.

She asked for seat where she could observe the young man without being obvious about it. Though a meal would be most welcome (it was harder and harder to pass up any chance to eat lately), Giselle asked for only a glass of water, and something she could pick up and carry with her easily if need be. Though it was somewhat rude, the hat stayed on, pinned to the thick crimson coil of her hair in a way that made it too difficult to remove without good reason. She even only removed one of her gloves, clutching the snowy bit of cloth in the still-gloved hand, as if she had just forgotten instead of it being a conscious choice.
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as written by Emperor Jester

Harik was oblivious the entire time to the actions of his onlooker. He'd do his best to understand the menu, glad for once in his mother's teaching on her homeland's language. It would be rusty, but easily understandable, outside of some inflection screw ups here and there, and minor grammar mistakes. Once it was his turn in line, he was barely prepared enough not to stammer out his order. "Caramel macchiato, please. Extra caramel, and please use a Caldonian bean if you have any. If not, then I trust your judgement on the next best choice."

He'd give his name, drawing a queer look at the utter foreignness of it before moving off to the side, finding an open table just opposite to the right of the one Giselle sat at, by sheer coincidence. The dusty clinking of his travel gear drew even more looks and mutters from the small crowd inside the store, setting it down for the first time in four days before stretching out how one might imagine a human sized cat doing; exaggerated over-extension and a diminutive, softly uttered moan.

His order would arrive soon enough, and he instantly recognized the aroma of his home land's coffee, and smiled. Finally, a little bit of decent luck. He'd have to tip the barista after all. For how, he would enjoy his beverage, very unaware of the eyes that watched him. But soon, a tingle would start to form at the base where his skull met his spine...cold...

So...very...c o l d. . .
as written by Krysis

Giselle crossed her ankles as she stared into the distance in Harik's general direction. Her unfocused gaze only briefly flickered to his face, and a curious smile curled her lips before she distracted herself with the thin, unsatisfying beverage she had ordered.

The boy puzzled her greatly. How could he possibly look familiar? No. Not look. Feel. There was a touch of something about him. Something important.

"Family?" She whispered, tasting the word to see if it fit. "No, not quite, but kin all the same." This was something she would need to bring to her dear Uncle's attention soon, and she was already reaching for her cellphones with the thought of calling him. Only the awareness of the crowd around the cafe and the fact that the sun still ruled the sky halted her groping fingers.

Giselle stayed leaned over the sack-like netted purse that she often carried while working. The cavernous depths of the otherwise unfashionable container held supplies that would see her comfortable, if forced to drop everything and spend the night... well, anywhere that was not home. It gave her an excuse to not look at the foreign boy and to think of what she should do as she pretended to rummage.
as written by Script

"Uhg, who the hell opened a window? It's October."

At a table not far from Harik's, a slender young man rose to his feet and cast an irritable glance towards the front of the shop. The chill in the air hadn't passed unnoticed. A few steps took him across to the windows, where he paused, frowning. None of them were actually open.

"Guess the door really lets a draft in," he muttered, shaking his head with confusion and running a hand through his carefully styled 'mess' of red-brown hair.

The youth was dressed boldly, in a low-cut top of bright pink and white beneath a black jacket, and a pendant in the shape of a crescent moon hung down over the neckline of the shirt. Whilst colourful, and clearly put together to draw the eye, the outfit wasn't exactly out of place in a relatively fashionable cafe in Lutetia. Such places were the natural watering holes of similarly 'fashionable' teenagers.

He gave a shrug, and made his way back to his seat. "You'd think," he remarked in Harik's general direction, singling the Caldonian out for little reason other than the desire for a sympathetic ear, "that they'd prioritise decent heating, given that it's almost winter."
as written by Emperor Jester

The cold lingered for a moment longer, almost long enough for Harik to begin to burn his thin fingers on the hot mug. Or would have, if such rudimentary heat had not become painless to him within the first year of his training. Still, the cold would linger, but for now, it felt like it had moved on. He could feel it though, on the edge of his senses. Still there. Almost as if it was distracted by something.

His eyes would lift from his steaming cup however, and a mischievous sparkle would come to his eyes as the dark blue orbs found the source of that seemingly concerned voice. A fox's grin would break across his features, slightly nervous due to his still somewhat rusty Lutetian. "Ah...Thank you for checking though. I appreciate it, I do." Even if it hadn't really helped. At all.

Then, it occurred to the Caldonian that he might not have been the one being addressed, if anyone had been addressed at all. A renewed sense of anxiety wracked him, causing an awkward chuckle to escape his fine lips. This was not normal behavior for Harik, not in the slightest. A timid wreck was not normally how anyone would describe him, but he was a stranger in even strange land surrounded by strange folk. With weather far colder than he was used to, and with feelings and thoughts he couldn't quite pin down dancing around constantly in his head. Tack on to all of that how truly exhausted the teenager was. No, it was safe to say that the Icebrand was not himself at the moment.
as written by Script

Raising one eyebrow ever so slightly, the youth smiled, shrugging his shoulders. "I've never been good with the cold - too skinny," he remarked. "But I guess it's that much worse for you, huh? Does it ever get this cold in Caldonia?"

Without waiting for an invitation, he sprawled down into a closer chair with a catlike stretch. "I'm Will, by the way," he added, noting the foreigner's apparent nervousness and flashing an easy smile. "Relax. I don't bite."
as written by Krysis

Oh, good, a snack. Giselle smiled to herself, then winced and shook her head. She hated herself for looking at fellow a human being as a meal for her uncle. Such a terrible influence he was, even when he wasn't around.

With a sigh, she finally sat back up, notebook and pen in hand as fruit from the rummaging. A brief smile as her dark green eyes (which had been getting lighter lately) met Harik's gaze for a moment, and then flicked to this Will person curiously. Apparently she wasn't the only one interested in the foreign male.

She volunteered then, "I like the cold. Sweating is so boorish.", lifting her voice to address the two males, though she took care to not 'push' the issue. She blushed prettily and added, "Sorry to eavesdrop, but it is the hazard of sitting alone. Any conversation nearby draws the ear."
as written by Emperor Jester

Suddenly, Harik found himself relatively popular. He couldn't help but return the strangers smile, and even sat up a bit when he took a seat at the table beside him. This Will wasn't bad looking. A little thin for his tastes, but that was hardly an issue worth fussing about. "Harik. Very charmed. And no, it never does. If I had known it was going to be this cold, I'd have packed a little warmer." The Caldonian would give his new companion a real smile, unlike the one from before, showing off his cheek bones and his pearly whites.

Speaking of teeth, Harik had just been ready to respond with a state along the lines of 'Oh, wheres the fun in not biting?' when he heard another voice speak up from over his shoulder. This one a girl, no, a lady by the looks of it. And while he much normally preferred Y over X, even he had to admit, this woman was...captivating. For a reason he couldn't place. "Well, miss, if you want to talk, why don't you come join us? That way, in case your ears start to wander again, we can follow them and make sure they don't get lost."

In truth, most of that would probably come out as very confusing. Apparently, Caldonian phrases and proverbs didn't seem to translate well in Lutetian. Another flash of red would streak across the foreigners face, which of course, led to another nervous chuckle.
as written by Script

Will let out a laugh at the slightly mangled turn of phrase, and grinned. He hadn't missed the brief once over that Harik had given him, and it had markedly improved his already fairly good mood. Who didn't like their looks being appreciated? He idly thumbed his pendant over, coyly returning the gesture. If he looked past the layer of grime and the quite potent scent of 'the road' that had deterred him from sitting quite as close as he might have otherwise, the Caldonian was fairly easy on the eyes himself.

Still, a shower was definitely in order.

"We certainly wouldn't want that," he remarked with a jovial smirk. "I imagine a pair of ears is pretty difficult to replace."
as written by Krysis

"Oh, you have no idea. Especially pretty ears. That's how I got stuck with these ordinary bits." Giselle answered, wide-eyed and pretending innocence as she covered one ear with her gloved hand. She looked at the cloth on her fingers as if surprised, then shook her head and peeled off the second glove before moving her things to Harik's table.

Once seated, she offered her hands to the men, one to each, so that neither would feel overlooked in favor of the other. "How do you do? I am Giselle."
as written by Emperor Jester

Harik would take the offered hand. "Harik Jayie. Tourists." The Caldonian would give the two of them a glance, eyes shifting back and forth between the two. Normally, he liked to be the one to do the approaching, make the idle chit-chat to get noticed, all of that, but today was proving to be full of surprises. He found himself suddenly very happy that he'd decided to grab a cup of joe, and hoped this would be the turning point of his recent luck. Still. Something was off about the woman. The closer she got, the more that tingle on the back his neck intensified, and he found himself shivering again.

"Man, the cold air of this city really gets into the bones. Is it always this cold, or is it going to get worse?" A sip of his hot beverage would be his only recourse to another spine tingling spike of cold, this time managing to suppress it in time. "Oh! I almost forgot! Do either of you know where I could find a decent hotel around here? I've tried looking on my own for the past two or so hours, but this metropolis is a maze."
as written by Script

"Nice to meet you," Will smiled, lounging back in his chair after shaking Giselle's hand. Harik's shiver prompted him to raise an eyebrow. Whilst the lingering remnants of the draft from earlier were still there, it wasn't all that bad. He supposed the Caldonian just wasn't used to the temperature.

"It'll get worse before it gets better, I'm afraid." He offered a sympathetic smile. "Winter's on its way, after all. As for a hotel though... there's the Castellane Clock Tower a few streets over thataway," he pointed off to the east of the square. "It's quite pricey, but I might be able to get you a discount, if you ask nicely. I just so happen to know the owner's sons."

Sure, he didn't know them that well, but hey... They were on first name terms, at least? He was sure he could swing it with some calculated namedropping.
as written by Krysis

"Much worse. The snow and ice have not yet arrived, and the winter storms will shake the city soon enough." Giselle smiled faintly as she agreed, but her words had double meanings. Still, she kept her gifts in check as much as she could, and only let a small hint of her approval of the coming cold leak through.

"The Clock Tower? Oh my, that is a fancy place. Of course, it also depends on how long you intend to stay in such a place, Mr. Jayie, on whether that is what you are looking for or not. Does the Clock Tower even do weekly rates, for those staying a bit more long term?" The redhead turned a questioning look on Will, inviting him to show off his knowledge of the Castellane's business.
as written by Emperor Jester

"Well, I have no clue how long I'll plan on staying, but either way, the Clock Tower sounds like the best bet. Still, I'd like to know more, if you'd be Willing to tell me." A playful grin, as Harik's confidence seemed to ebb and flow, rising with the completion of his rather poor and unoriginal joke. He had let the answers about the cold simply wash over him, deciding that focusing on the temperature would only make him more physically uncomfortable.

Besides, right now, the pyromancer wanted to enjoy himself. Well. Get to a place with hot running water and a bed. Shower and power nap. Then, finally, explore the city. He'd heard a lot about the night life this city possessed, and Harik was truly dying to see some of it with his own eyes. If things went well, maybe BOTH of his current coffee companions would end up joining him. If not at the clubs, maybe even behind closed doors, but it was much too early for such thoughts. So instead, the Icebrand stopped his wondering mind and eagerly awaited Will's answers alongside the seemingly equally curious Giselle.