Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Lutetia City: Valentine Park

as written by Faithy

Jimmy probably never would have found anyone that he wanted to locate had it not been the fight that broke out. It didn’t take him long to reach the stands, though he stayed pretty far away during the whole scuffle. He spotted Celeste, Izaic, the twins, and Inarin, but wasn’t exactly sure what was going on. When Inarin moved over towards Val and Al, Jimmy slowly stepped closer, but was suddenly unsure if this was a good time or not seeing as Val was bleeding.

“Erm…” He bit the inside of his cheek before shaking his head, opting to just wait. There were far too many people around to give the book to them anyways. Instead he crossed his arms against his chest and stared off at nothing in particular, deciding to let the crowd disperse before approaching the twins.
as written by Ronin

As Jimmy entered the area, he was followed by a paladin in full armor. Everything above his nose was obscured by his helmet and visor, though Celeste might have recognized the stubbled jawline and trademark grimace. Savien.

The paladin had been on the other side of the arena but had kept eyes on the brawl since Izaic's first punch. Though he'd only just arrived, he'd seen the whole thing.

"Fight's over," Savien said curtly, though it appeared as if the scrap was already finished. He swiftly identified the two most injured combatants. Izaic and Valére. Of the two, Valére seemed to have gotten the worst of it.

"Put his feet up on the bench," he looked at Celeste, before going to a knee in front of Valére. He snapped a roundlight up from his belt and focused its rays into a narrow beam. "Look at me," he said to Valére, shining the light in each of the young man's eyes, making sure his pupils were the same size. He held up two fingers and waived them back and forth. "Follow my hand." It was to determine if Valére was concussed - the only serious thing Savien was worried about. If so, it was a hospital. If not, the infirmary on the fair grounds would suffice.

Without looking away from Valére, Savien's addressed the other twin. "What hex did you cast just now?" Knowing that was important. Some necrotic spells dissipated as soon as the power was removed, but others could have lasting effects on Izaic's physiology. Knowing what they were dealing with would be important.

Master Kelve was steadily making his way up the bleachers, along with a few other church officials.
as written by Script

Alvére eyed Savien with obvious suspicion as he closed on his brother, remaining protectively close even as it became apparent that the paladin was just checking on his health. It seemed that aside from a swollen and cut lip, as well as a graze on the side of his head from where his head had hit the seat on his way down, Valére wasn't doing too badly. His tongue was bleeding a little from where his jaw had snapped shut, causing him to bite it, but the impact hadn't pierced too far.

"I'm fine," Valére stated coolly, clasping his twin's hand to reassure him.

Alvére smiled, nodding his head. "Good. For him and you both." At Savien's question, he turned to face the paladin with a scowl. "It was nothing serious," he muttered dismissively. "A simple sickness curse. He'll be fine in ten minutes. More's the pity."

Florianne had stood aside to allow the church to take over handling the situation, once she ascertained that Inarin was unharmed. The youngest of the group sat nervously, watching the approach of Master Kelve.
as written by Emperor Jester

Izaic would struggle to rise at first, not wanting to use Celeste as leverage and end up causing her enough pain. He'd had enough of hurting others for a day. Still, when he did get to his feet, the brute couldn't help but turn and give his fellow Proselytes, both of them, a glare of sheer hate. Especially Inarin. There was something else there, but it was beyond comprehensible.

To his credit, he managed to keep himself from leaning on anything, and even more impressive, he'd already stopped the shaking in his joints. "I'm already fine." Izaic spat out, like the words had a disgusting, rancid taste to them. A look to the Paladin, narrowed eyes before the older proselyte would attempt to leave the stands.
as written by Krysis

Celeste struggled under Izaic's weight and gave a startled gasp at where one of his hands briefly rested before he was up and off. She was a bit shaken as she got to her feet slowly, her face red with a confused blush. She was avoiding looking at anything other than the ground, the benches, and then her hand, so she missed Izaic's hate stare. Her hand got her attention from the generous smear of red, placed there by her careless brush at something tickling on her throbbing forehead.

"I don't think anyone was seriously hurt. Just a couple of bumps and bruises, really. Superficial at most." She finally answered Savien, though she was a bit wobbly as she kept the heel of her hand against the minor cut on her forehead. It also gave her a more plausible reason to not be looking at anyone.
as written by Ronin

"I'm already fine."

"No you're not," a low snarl loosed from Savien's throat as the paladin rose to address Izaic. "You just assaulted a citizen of Lutetia, proselyte. You're lucky if I don't take you down to the precinct and jail you."

It was at that moment that Master Kelve at last finished hobbling up the row of ascending steps lining the bleachers. The old paladin rested on his oakwood cane, nimble eyes flitting between all the injured parties. A tall knight in shining armor stood at his side, hand thumbing along his sword hilt. He was wearing no helmet and his dirty blonde hair was perfectly coiffed. He looked suspiciously at Valére, Alvére and, finally, Florianne.

"No one is seriously injured?" Kelve asked Savien.

The paladin only shook his head, still glaring at Izaic.

"Good." Kelve drew a breath. "That is most important." He turned and looked at Izaic. His voice was calm and patient and held none of the iron that Savien's had. "Proselyte Swigelf. Did you strike this boy without having cause to defend yourself?"
as written by Script

Inarin met Izaic's hateful stare with wide eyes, edging back a few inches. As the larger boy turned away, he mumbled at his back. "I still don't know what I did..."

"All Val did was make a joke," Alvére snarled, when Master Kelve spoke. "How was he supposed to know a proselyte wouldn't have the discipline to take it as it was meant. Aren't you all supposed to be better than high-school bullies with heavy weapons training?"

Valére nodded his head, then winced with pain at the motion, letting out a quiet groan. "Ca' 'oo 'ab me a cup?" he mumbled to his brother, trying to avoid opening his mouth.

Alvére looked back at him with concern, quickly scanning around and snatching up a discarded cup from the row behind them. "This alright? It's still got some-"

Valére simply nodded, holding out his hand with an expression of urgency. He took the cup, and leaned over it, spluttering out a mouthful of blood. "'ucking 'ongue," he hissed. "Am I 'onna need siches? Wha' abou' my 'inging?" The boy sounded markedly distressed at that thought.

"Don't worry," Al squeezed his hand, though he sounded just as worried himself, looking slightly pale. Tongue injuries tended to bleed a lot, but it was still horrible to have to watch his brother spitting up blood. "The auditions aren't till midway through the month. It'll heal fine, and in time." Not that he knew that for sure, but that was what Val needed to hear.
as written by Emperor Jester

"If it was a joke, it wasn't being presented as such. Usually you don't imply a stranger to be homosexual before you even give your name. I was defending my honor, and reputation. By extension, the reputation of the church. But mostly myself. Perhaps I over reacted, but I will not regret what I've done. Sir."

This was mostly addressed to Master Kelve and Savien, a quick but formal bow to the elderly man. "I will take whatever punishment is deemed necessary. I won't even try to fight it." Hands behind his back, suddenly formal before the old man. All hate would quickly leave his eyes, standing practically at attention.
as written by Krysis

Celeste wanted to stay out of it. After all, she suspected that Izaic Swigelf was indeed interested in at least one male that way, so it was possible that his professed preference for her own gender might be a ruse. If not, well, there were more flexible options too.

Not that they could do a thing about it, after all. The church being as it was made it all but impossible to have a normal relationship, even hidden.

Celeste reached for Inarin's shoulder with her free hand and asked faintly, "Don't suppose you have a napkin or something? I didn't think to keep anything like that, and I'd rather not let this blood run in my eye." Plus, if she could get the smaller boy away and playing nurse... well, maybe they wouldn't have to deal with the fall out of Izaic's actions.
as written by Ronin

Izaic's words did nothing to abate Savien's anger. "You decked a citizen because he accused you of having a sexuality?" His gaunleted fingers curled into a steely fist. "What kind of..."

"It was a crude act, Savien," The blonde haired paladin interjected - his voice much smoother and clearer than Savien's gruff rumble, "but you have to give the boy props. There's something to be said about a knight who refuses to suffer even the slightest infringement on his reputation."

If there were eyes beneath Savien's visor, they were bloodshot. He turned to face his fellow knight. "Reputation? How about you shove your-"

"Enough." Kelve's voice cut through the two like a tempered knife. "Sir Durandet. Sir Virn. I expect better of you both." Both fell silent. Kelve let it linger for a few seconds before drawing a deep, weary breath.

"Proselyte Swigelf," he addressed the boy, "even if you are not sorry for your actions here, you must understand the name you carry with you." His brows furrowed, and the enormous scar lining the left side of his voice dimpled with his frown. "You are not just Izaic. You are a proselyte. A student in the Monastic Order. Our creed - and our commitment to defending the people of this city, even those we disagree with or feel offended by - supersede our personal notions of dignity and honor." He gestured to the two boys. "If you will not apologize to these citizens for your conduct today, then I would ask you to at least offer them your regrets for having represented the Order in such a manner."

The master nodded. "Then, you shall return to the Monastery. The council and I will decide if you will be permitted to compete in the rest of the Aurellae."
as written by Script

"Because that's such an insult, coming from us," Alvére snorted at Izaic's reasoning. "I'm glad to see the church is as closed minded as ever."

As the rest of the Church superiors' conversation was unfolding, Inarin nodded quietly to Celeste. He reached into one of his coat's inner pockets and pulled out a small packet of tissues. Nobody could ever say that the bookworm was unprepared. "I- I'll get it, if you want," he offered, glad of the distraction. With Celeste's go ahead, he'd gently dab at the blood, better able to pinpoint it than her thanks to being able to see it.

"An apology? And maybe being kicked out of a tournament?" Alvére's tone was livid when it became apparent that Izaic was barely getting a slap on the wrist. "If that's what counts as a punishment for you people, I'm not surprised you get assholes like him. You're lucky we haven't already decided to take this to court, but that's getting to be a more and more attractive option if you aren't going to do anything about it."
as written by Emperor Jester

"Do not talk ill of the Order." Izaic would calmly request, turning to the twins. There was bile in the back of his throat as he bowed, but the words came out, practiced and honeyed with somewhat convincing sincerity. "Though I will ask your forgiveness of my behavior. It is on my head and my head alone. The actions I have taken this day is not a reflection of the Church that has raised me, but of my own brash anger. If it is your wish, as retribution, I will withdraw from the rest of the tournament..." The next words.

The next words turned sour in his mouth. He was glad his head was bowed for the moment, as to hide his moist eyes. Not quite on the verge of tears, but getting there.

"...Willingly. On top of whatever other punishment my Masters deal out to me. I sincerely hope this will not be necessary, but Master Kelve is the second on the Council to tell me to better guard my anger. I must deal with the consequences, now."
as written by Ronin

Kelve nodded at Izaic's apology and acceptance of blame, contented. Though the twins may not have thought that the punishment was sufficient, the master knew better.

"Thank you, proselyte," he said. Kelve turned to the twins. "With respect young masters, whatever additional discipline Izaic endures is the business of the Monastery, not yours." His stump hand rested atop the knuckles of the other, which clasped over the nub of his cane. "If you should seek to pursue legal action against the Order, then you are well within your rights." He bowed to them both. "But I offer my humbles apologies alongside proselyte Swigelf's. It is the duty of the Order to serve, not harm. I regret that we have not lived up to our ideals this afternoon." He offered them a warm smile. "If you like, I would be happy to have our clerics examine and treat your injuries."

"Should get the proselyte looked at too," Virn commented almost offhandedly. He ran a hand through his locks, brushing back his hair. "Punching someone with your fists is one thing, but using necrotic magic to harm another person is something else altogether." He was speaking to Kelve and Savien, but there was no hiding the subtle accusation hidden beneath his statement. Though Izaic had started the fight, the twins had escalated the confrontation to another level with the use of magic.
as written by Krysis

Celeste sat down on one of the bleachers, only feet away so that Inarin could tend to her cut in peace. She had no intention of making him go further than he wanted to away from the grouping around Izaic, though she personally felt lingering was foolhardy at best.

She murmured to the younger male, "Swigelf has been looking forward to this all year. So have I, really. I was looking forward to trouncing him in the sparring contest, later this week. Making him miss out-- That's really harsh. He'll be sure to be held back another year too, and he's almost the point of too old, isn't he?"

Even though her words were low, she suspected that at least one of the twins would hear her. While the conversation might seem innocent, she was also trying to make them realize that the consequences might be more than the obvious.
as written by Script

Alvére folded his arms and scowled dubiously at Izaic's apology, not doubting for a minute that he was only trying to save face in front of his superiors. Still, watching him swallow his pride was satisfying, at the very least. When Virn spoke up, his glare was redirected towards him.

"I did what I felt was necessary to protect my brother," Alvére snarled in the direction of the paladin. His fury was painted across his face. "I'd just watched your pet berserker snap someone's arm in a contest. He was dangerous, and if I'd done nothing, he'd have kept attacking us. He still might have done if Celeste hadn't held him back."

A defense that would, with a decent lawyer, hold up well in a courtroom. He then turned his attention back to Kelve and Izaic, sneering. "I won't be taking your Order to court, Master," he spoke the term with obvious contempt, "I'm taking him there." He pointed a finger at Izaic.

Celeste's murmured words had only encouraged him. As far as Alvére was concerned, the moment Izaic laid a finger on his brother, he'd forfeited any and all consideration that he might have afforded him. No holds barred. If he could pull it off, he was going to ruin this brute's life with one messy court case.

"Al..." Valére spoke up, then, his voice sounding weary. He still struggled to speak clearly with the pain in his tongue, but either it had eased off a little, or he'd been hamming it up previously. "Let's just... let it go."

"What?" Alvére blinked across at his brother incredulously. "But-"

"It's not worth it. I'm fine. Seriously. I know you're angry, but, try to calm down for a minute?"

"How can I ... he's getting away with hurting you!"

"Please. For me? I accept his apology."

That seemed to do the trick. Alvére shot one last glare towards Izaic, then deflated. "Fine. Then I do too. Begrudgingly. We won't press charges, this time."

Off to the side, Inarin breathed a heavy sigh of relief. For all that Izaic had been an ass, he was glad that the older proselyte wasn't going to end up with a criminal record. He was pretty sure that would have barred him from becoming a paladin.
as written by Emperor Jester

"I thank you for your mercy." Izaic would reply thankfully, snapping back out of the bow, back rigid and straight. A turn of his heels would put him facing Master Kelve once again. "I would report back to the monastery now, at your leave of course. If you would prefer to send me with an escort or wait, I will do so."

He was silent and un-moving then, as still as a golem awaiting orders.
as written by Ronin

"To the Monastery, proselyte," Kelve nodded, "I trust you won't need an escort."

Once Izaic left, Kelve would offer a final bow to everyone present, before leaving. Virn followed.

Savien watched them go. When Izaic was out of sight, he turned and looked at Celeste and Inarin.

"You okay rook-..." he caught himself, "...ah. Proselyte Hogan?" His helmet swiveled, visor moving from Celeste to the timid-looking boy by her side.

"Hm." He mused. "You're Inarin? I recognize you."
as written by Krysis

"I think so, Sir Durandet. Just clocked my head on the seat when Izaic fell on me. I think he did it almost on purpose, but it was my fault too for trying to pull him off balance towards me. It was the only direction I could get leverage though." Celeste didn't look at Savien, holding very still for Inarin's dabbing with the tissue. She even kept her gaze fixed on the smaller boy, so not to risk any unintentional twitching.

The spot wouldn't bruise, since all the blood that would pool was now soaked into the bits of paper, but the narrow cut was crooked and still seeping. "A little more pressure, In." She prompted gently, "I'd rather the bleeding stopped than you spare me any pain. Lean on it if you have to."
as written by Script

"Y-yes, Sir," Inarin nodded at Savien, heeding Celeste's words and applying increased pressure to the cut. His eyes drifted past the paladin to the twins, as Alvére helped his brother to his feet. The two were speaking, but quietly - their faces scarcely inches apart - and he couldn't catch what they were saying. Alvére still wore a scowl, though, clearly far from satisfied with the resolution to the conflict.


"What gives?" Alvére demanded, reaching up to check on the graze on the side of Valére's head. It was bleeding, but barely. "Why let him walk?"

"Do you think his classmates would want anything to do with us if we got him kicked out?" Valére questioned. "It's easy enough to tell that beneath the animosity, those church-kids stick together. We can get our own back in other ways."

Alvére huffed, but nodded. "Fine. But if he touches either of us again, he's going down."

"And he knows it," Valére's eyes twinkled with a smirk. "That gives us a certain level of impunity to get our revenge however we might want to."
as written by Faithy

Remaining silent and out of the way while Izaic was dealt with, Jimmy couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. He knew the male was looking forward to this forever and just like that it was gone. Sure, he overreacted and shouldn’t have hit Val, but, well… it wasn’t his concern. Closing his eyes for a minute, he waited a few more minutes before making his way over towards the twin, taking a note where In and Celeste were as well.

“Hey… you two okay?” He questioned softly, his eyes taking in Val’s appearance.