Monster Kingdom?


Active Member
I was taking a trip down memory lane today and got to talking with my brother about an app down as Monster Kingdom. It was a generic "raise monsters" RPG sort of game that had attached forums were a rather large, rather toxic community dwelt.

I got into roleplaying from that app as there was a section that was taken over by roleplays and while most of them were trash, I owe my love of writing to that app.

It got shut down in early 2015 and the developers (Zhruosoft) haven't done anything since either and while I still am in contact with some friends, I was just wondering if anyone here went on the forums of MK.

I think I was kind of infamous there for being rather blunt and harsh with roleplays that were absolutely atrocious ("We are girls who turn into horses!" That was seriously the entire backstory of one such roleplay I heckled). I went by Rao999 or Chell back in the day. The "Off Topic" and "Writing" forums hated eachother and were constantly arguing. I tended to mess with the OT players a lot too. I wonder what Sonata is doing... I liked him even if he lived to just mess with me and the writers...

Anyone here from Monster Kingdom?
