New User Mowkie Hates Introductions


Queen Meow
Hello, fresh faces! As you've already come to see, my name is Mowkie. And I hate introducing myself.

Honestly, it's mostly because I have not moved role play sites in almost five years, so it's a little more difficult for me to adjust to new waters after finally finding my comfort zone. However, when following a good friend, one must always be willing to try things anew. So, here I am! Let me go ahead and tell you all a bit about myself (please note that pretty much all of this is in my details).

I have been writing for around eleven years, going on twelve, and it is one of my greatest addictions and escapes, as I'm sure most of you understand. Upon my entry into the Army back in 2013, I left my niche on Iwaku as well as all of my comforts for about a year...and it was horrible and depressing. Yet, when I returned, my sarcastic, mage-preferring mentality had shifted greatly to a preference of bravery, strength, and an understanding that the needs of the many rise over the needs of the few. This mentality, I've come to learn, has flavored every single one of my characters since my return to role play at the end of 2013. Shortly after, I met @Soulserenity20 ~ who has since become my best friend and the entire reason I was willing to leave a site I'd been with since 2012. Of course, I still go there, but hey, it's a slow process, yes?

I am a lover of fantasy, particularly stories that involve unique races that you don't really see anywhere else as well as dragons of almost any kind (though I prefer true dragons, not Oriental or Wyverns). In most of them, I find myself playing some sort of warrior, but I hope to slowly drift from that perspective. While I won't be up for much in the way of RP immediately, as I do have my own that I must continue to GM back on Iwaku as well as another that I play in, if you are interested, you are more than welcome to PM me your interests, and I will certainly get back to you about when I may be up for taking on more charries.

I love gaming, and it may even be a greater addiction than writing (as I don't have to focus as much, and when you have a baby screaming at you for no apparent reason other than the fact that she wants every single ounce of your attention, it's REALLY hard to get into any character). As such, I don't show my online status, as I don't want anyone thinking I'm online to RP when I'm just checking things out while waiting for the loading screen to go away. I particularly love Ark: Survival Evolved, and my entire family (save my mom) plays with me on a dedicated server that we're setting up to open to the public later this year (once we have our wyverns, and Ragnarok is released). I also enjoy RPGs, such as The Witcher 3, Final Fantasy (from VII up), and Dragon Age, as well as some FPSs, such as Battlefield 1 (and sometimes 4), and Destiny (super hyped for that Dawnblade in Destiny 2). When not playing those (or doing anything else), I also have a DS, on which I prefer Pokemon and Harvest Moon (and the Story of Seasons) games.

I am currently going through a hard bout of postpartum depression and anxiety, so if I disappear offline for no apparent reason, that might be why. My gaming provides for me what writing cannot (it let's me completely clear my mind and just focus on my next task instead of having to let words flow - with words come feelings, and feelings aren't always a good thing), and thus I like to oftentimes poof offline for days at a time to get my head clear before coming online. This is another reason why I fear I cannot branch out properly at the moment. While I am more than happy to make new friends and find more people to talk to (on skype and the like), I'm not sure I would be a reliable player for anyone I am not truly dedicated to (such as the friend I mentioned up there somewhere).

So, yeah...I think that's about it. For someone who hates introductions, I sure did give one. o_O Oh, well...if you made it through that wall of text, kudos! If you still want to say hi, I am most willing to say it back. XD

Friendships welcome! XDXDXD
Even more Iwakians? o_o

Well welcome to the site fellow immigrants! :p
You two likely already know what you're doing, so I'm jumping straight to some ice breaker questions. :p

1. What is your favourite RP memory/experience?
2. How are you enjoying the site so far?
3. What is so hot it's cool, yet so cool it's hot?
Haha we came over as a group XD we couldn't get traffic for a new rp on iwaku so we ventured into the great unknown of other rp sites.

Are you from iwaku too then? The forums are familiar as can be except the names and some missing bbcode options. It's a lovely transition plus the tab option is just magical.

I think my best rp memory has been my journey with my main character, Merrik, and the characters of my group of players, specifically Mowkie's main, Shirin. The site is great. I love that it's new and small because there's so much potential ahead of it. As for that riddle..... Hmm. Dry ice? Or Arceus. Everything is Arceus and Arceus is all.
Yeah, it's a little dry right now.

My favorite experience has to be growing into the mind of my favorite character, Shirin. While she isn't from my own world, she did get tossed in there for a bit, haha!

I haven't gotten much of a feel for the site just yet, but I do hope to soon. Some RT stuff is holding me back for a bit.

I'm no good with pass? >.>'
Welcome to the site! Hope to see ye around, cheers! Ask away through PM if ye got any questions!
Welcome fellow service member! You talked a good bit about your RP preferences, and I'm guessing you prefer the more structured style of traditional tabletop style RP, or does your experience lean more towards the more free-styled forum RPs? I'm looking to boot up a handful of games and trying to get a feel for what people would be interested in jumping into, so let me know if you're interested!
The structure of table top has always been thrown aside for a more freestyle flare in my family. Oftentimes, we snag from monster manuals (and sometimes pathfinder beastiaries) for inspiration to make new charries. In my family, the rules are...more like guidelines.

I prefer a great deal of freedom over structure and tradition. I am a free and creative spirit. Even if most of my chars possess my more down to earth and somewhat pessimistic mentality. Then again, I was writing well before the Army was even a thought. ^^

As I said above, I am, unfortunately, not lookijng for role play immediately. I'm sure Soul is already wondering where the char I'm building for her RP is by this point. However, if I'm able to find some free time later, I'll let you know.
Haha we came over as a group XD we couldn't get traffic for a new rp on iwaku so we ventured into the great unknown of other rp sites.

Are you from iwaku too then?

That seems to be a common trend with site migrations.

And I am, I was Iwaku's resident shit poster. :p

The site is great. I love that it's new and small because there's so much potential ahead of it. As for that riddle..... Hmm. Dry ice? Or Arceus. Everything is Arceus and Arceus is all.

Oh yeah, STC's been growing a lot.
As for the riddle? Arceus is all because he is an all powerful god... Except against the master ball.

*sits idly in a corner, watching notifications*

Oh... Woops! XD
Sorry, not used to several newbies in the same thread.

Yeah, it's a little dry right now.

My favorite experience has to be growing into the mind of my favorite character, Shirin. While she isn't from my own world, she did get tossed in there for a bit, haha!

I haven't gotten much of a feel for the site just yet, but I do hope to soon. Some RT stuff is holding me back for a bit.

I'm no good with pass? >.>'

And what world... Are you from? o_o
Understandable, real life should take priority.
A pass... Like, a fast pass? Passing a car? A passport?
Haha, by my world, I mean Partheus. Kind of the equivalent of Soul's Iskoria (she mentioned Illos, which us a continent on there). We're both very heavy worldbuilders. When Shirin died in Illos, she was dragged over to Partheus. pass, maybe? Haha, not sure I wanna pass a car. But a passport could come in handy. Let me visit Canada for a bit. XD
Hello Mowkie, and welcome to STC. It looks like you're already getting a big welcome from our community and you'll know how to dig in when you're ready, so I just want to say we'll all be here ready to support your endeavors once you're ready for them. Awesome video game choices by the way.