[Murder Mystery] The Last Ball


Active Member
^Gonna come up with a better name later^

Hello. I've had this idea for quite some time now.

The story:
A rich family is having a fundraising ball for the most noble and privileged guests in the Land.

Each Player acquires a ticket (doesn't have to be fair-in-square) and they're way down to the ball.

During the ball, one of the members of the rich family are killed, which ensues in a manor wide investigation.

As a guest, your job is to: find the killer and get them arrested, while trying to not be his next victim.
As the killer, your job is to: Get away with your despicable act.

The Catch: Nobody except for the killer knows who the killer really is.

Anyone interested can reply with a +1
Thank you all for your support.
I'm not sure how many people we need to start this, but I presume 5 is enough. If a GM (@Tiko ?) approves this, I'll have the thread up by the end of the week. Then we'll make our characters and get started.
This is gonna be hella lit.
Hey there, just to avoid perpetuating any confusion. No one requires approval to create roleplays on Storyteller's Circle. Once they're ready to go you can just swing on over to the play-by-post forums and start a thread up. Only time an admin is needed is for large open-world roleplays that need their own forum space (like the Omniverse that has over forty players) in which new forums need to be built, which is something only an admin can do. If you need any help with that, you can hit up one of our Wardens for advice. @Gwazi Magnum is generally pretty happy to help people learn their way around the forums.