New User My introduction

Born Free

New Member
hello! I’m Born Free but a lot of people call me Born! I’m obviously new here but I’m not new to role playing! I have been roleplaying on various sites for about 5 years now. In my opinion I’m a very funny person and I’m nice but I do have a temper sometimes. I usually get along with people and I love having friends.
Welcome! I hope you have a nice time here! Be sure to check by the general chat if you want to meet new people.
Welcome to STC!

I just wanted to pop in to mention that you are off to a great start on your approval process. However, before your account can be approved you will need to have a bit more activity under your belt. Don't forget to stop by our community forums; The Main Lobby, The Creative Forums, The Writers Circle are all great places to post and interact with your fellow users. Once you are a bit more active your account should have no problem being approved!

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!

