New User New here - M x M equal role RPer <3


MxM RP's - GDocs / Discord for chatting -
Hey, I'm new, obviously.

I'm 5/95 smut to story, so, you won't find much smut with me, sorry.
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Didn't really know what to write yesterday, but today I woke up with a massive splitting migraine from what a think is a sinus infection So that's super nice. So what better to do than Sit and tell people who I am.

I'm pretty up there in ages, to be role playing, but I have been part of the role play community since I was 12 years old. I'm now over 20 and I'm still role playing. My age makes me subconscious in the RP community because I'm much older and I'm afraid people will think I'm weird for still role playing and enjoying it as much as I do.

My all time favorite Genre's are Fantasy and Dark Romance, like Mafia / Gang RPs. I like taking horrible situations and adding some form of 'romance' to them. Post appoc are also one of my banes, I love them a lot.

I'm a para rper and I am bad at socializing from time to time but love to contact my partners OOC. I usually use Discord and GDocs to talk on and roleplay on but given my partner would prefer forums, I'm usually pretty flexible.

I do enjoy Kpop a lot, and if others do, I'm happy to talk about that.

I'm not that talkative in general until I warm up to someone.

I have a fiance and I spend a lot of time with them, so only my hobby time gets put to Roleplay.

I'm also a gamer, I enjoy a variety of games, and I really like when I find other people who game and who enjoy certain elements from the games in RP. Adventure can be fun if you do it right, RPGs, are an obvious, and I like Sim games quite a bit. I play ARK and other such games with my S.O.

I'm gay, my partner is gay, obviously. They allow me to role play as long as I keep sexual situations to a minimum and pertinent to the story.

I'm a writer, I like writing.

What more can I say?
I still havn't gotten any sort of reply to this, so my account is still not verified.
Uhh... don't say being older than 20 puts you out of the age range. There are plenty of us here that in the age range of over 20. A person is never too old to write. So, why do you like writing?
Hah. I'm in my thirties. We have lots of adult users here. Back when I was a teen I remember it being mostly a young person hobby, but as all those young people grew up, the age range began to fluctuate more. Plenty of people still enjoy roleplaying even in their thirties and forties (or older!) these days. I wouldn't worry about your age.
I'm also an openly gay roleplayer. I think for most of my 'writing' career I've spent my time writing smut because it was all I could find for my characters. XD

It's nice to know that there are people out there who still look for more story driven stuff, or maybe I'm just used to doing gross stuff! DX I hope that's not the case! Anyway, I hope you get approved soon and I couldn't agree more with the ppl above me, age should have nothing to do with anything as long as you love what you do. I just feel old so I've been 20 for four years. Hehe. Hope to see you around, would love to read some of your dark romance stuff!