New User New here~

Hey there~

So... yeah. I'm a newcomer. Been migrating back and forth between a couple roleplaying forums in the last year or so and finally landed on this one.

Prior to moving to forum roleplaying, I would write one-liners with peeps on Discord. I think I spent like two... three-ish years doing that before the level of literacy simply was simply too low for me.

I desired something more challenging.

I desired writing buddies to motivate me to reach even greater heights through longer and more immersive posts.

So I had an epiphany where I realized that roleplaying forums would be the place for me. Took me a while to get used to the somewhat sleepy pace in comparison to the quick one-liners I would do via Discord. But I'm all cool with it now. In fact, I can be a bit of a sleepy writer, myself. Hence the username 'Lady Coral'. Because firstly, I'm a lady. Secondly, I'm somewhat... sedentary. Like a coral. Plus, I love warm places, be it a fireplace (in front of it... don't worry XD) or snuggled beneath warm blankets.

Also, I'm a total sucker for romance. And anime. Just can't get enough of those adorable pairings... >u<''

Lil heads-up: I'm English, so I may occasionally throw in a word which makes zero sense to non-British peeps. Like, I once mentioned feeling "peckish" and this American guy wildly misunderstood what I meant... which was awkward, to say the least. <.< >.>

And... beware my trashy sense of humour. I try to keep a leash on it... but it still comes out at times.
Welcome to STC! We do have a mix of folks who still do both the quicker RP's and a longer writing on discord and on the forums as well. I personally prefer both.

That really is odd about the one guy not knowing 'Peckish'. I say that all the time when I need a snack. Although I do have a few friends from over the pond, so maybe I'm disqualified.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Understandable. I personally prefer a bit more length to even my discord RPs. I find the more detail I'm able to put into it, the better it helps my cowriters enjoy the story along with it.
Hiya! I am English too >w< I have humour that no one else laughs at XD but your fireplace bit made me laugh! So I say, let go of the leash! Whispers if you're comfortable with that of course. Anyways XD welcome to STC!
@Knosis Exactly. More detail is better. Until it becomes filler, of course.

@MysticMallow Haha. Looks like we're birds of a feather in that way. Gotta say that I LOVE your profile picture. So cute~!

Can't wait till I can begin roleplaying here. I already like the feel of this place. :3
Omg thank you!! the aritst is Shirouu-kun and they are on DeviantArt, their stuff is really cute. This one is of my favourite Vocaloid. And that is where is shut up about the art XD

I guess we are! That's awesome >w< I look forward to possibly roleplaying with you! I haven't jumped into any roleplays yet... but I will try soon! So see you out there ^-^
Hi there,
Welcome to the site. It's funny because I'm Canadian and I've been in similar situations where I'll use a word I think is common here but isn't in America and it confuses people haha. But hey, at least as a Canadian and a Brit we use the same spelling hahaha
Again, welcome :)
Welcome to forums! I hope you find yourself comfortable here, and enjoy your stay :)

With some of my family being British, I often found myself using the same confusing lingo at times haha