New User New in Town


Hey guys. You can call me Chubby or Chubs - or Super, I guess, if you're bothered by that. Superchubs was the first username I ever created, back when I was in 5th grade making my first Neopets account. It happened to be the nickname of my favorite cat, and so there we go.

Neopets is also the place I discovered roleplay, a good 15 or 16 years ago. I made some real life friends through rping on Neo, and made the switch to almost exclusively one-on-ones several years back. I've created and co-run a few forums, but it can be a rough existence! It's hard to find members, and things just kind of peter out.

I really only have one rp in my life right now, and it's been going for probably 11 years. I'm cautiously open to finding some new rp partners because, while that friend is my favorite, she is also very busy with life things!

I have done many kinds of roleplays. My major ones have tended to be medieval, fantasy, some gifted, certain fandoms (I used to play Aragorn in a LOT of LotR rps, holy crap), etc. My rp obsession started with horses and wolves and other animals, and I sloooooowly graduated (via a werewolf character) to actual humans, lolol.

I find myself often gravitating toward male characters, though I play female as well.
